There is a New Spirit in Our House

in instablurt •  2 years ago 

Hi Blurter..!! Wish you all good health.

After my post ten days ago, today I can only take the time to rewrite the post here. You know, in the last two weeks I've been spending a lot of time on other things. Besides the work factor, I also recently completed a tiring journey (as I mentioned earlier).

It took several days to return to physical fitness. The whole body feels sore and tired. At first, I felt fine when we returned home after spending a week at my parents' house. But the next day, my body began to respond, feeling sore and uncomfortable in several parts of the body, especially the back. Luckily it didn't stop me from doing my normal activities. It's just that, I have to increase the portion of my rest to restore the stamina that was drained during the trip.

When in this condition, I usually prefer to consume something natural, such as honey, dates, fruits, and herbal drinks.

However, all the fatigue I felt was not comparable to the happiness when I met my parents, two younger sisters, and a large family in their hometown.

Going home is our routine agenda once a year when Eid arrives. This time it felt special and different, apart from not being able to go home for Eid for two years due to restrictions imposed by the government, our return this time was also welcomed by new family members.

At the inauguration of my sister's wedding. Photo taken by Nurul Fahmi @asianphotograph

Two days before Eid, our little sister had just given birth to a handsome boy. My wife and I, who are still on our way to our hometown, shared our joy when we received the news that our sister had given birth safely and the baby was healthy.

I asked my wife to ask if there was already a name for the little prince. My youngest sister who told us that day about the childbirth process briefly answered my wife's WhatsApp message, no name has been given to the little prince yet.

"Do you have a good name for a boy?" my wife said reading WhatsApp messages on her cellphone. "We'll think about it later," I answered simply.

That day, Sunday, May 1, 2022, at 08.00 AM our Jimny Katana departed from Banda Aceh City. Because it was still early, the streets weren't too busy. An hour later, we were at the top of Mount Seulawah, the mountain that separates Aceh Besar District from Pidie District.

Usually, after descending Seulawah, many vehicles stop to rest at Saree which is famous for its tape and sweet potato chips. However, because it is still the month of Ramadan, most of the stalls are still closed. I continued down the road in the mountains of Seulawah.

After passing through a winding road and several areas in Pidie Regency, at 11.15 AM, we decided to take a short break in the Batee Iliek tourist area which borders Pidie Jaya Regency. After parking the car in the shade, I immediately walked to the river bank. The water is clear and cold. During the fasting month, this area is closed to the public. There were only a few riders like us stopping to rest.


After washing my face and soaking my feet for a while, I rested in one of the back corners of the shop while enjoying the flow of the Batee Iliek river. The water is clean, snaking between the big rocks. Not far from where I sat, several girls were enjoying the cold river water while hugging an old car tire as a life jacket. Sometimes their laughter breaks the silence.

Across the river, a young woman was accompanying her husband in repairing a hut on the riverbank. The small huts that line the left and right of the river are stalls where residents sell their goods. I also tried to lie down on one of the long benches behind the shop. While relaxing my muscles, I tried to find the right name for our little prince. After finding and matching a few words, I then sent it to my wife. There are four names in all: Ghiyats Ahmad Fawwaz, Faizan Akbar Ramadhan, Zawir Zubair and Nadhir Azwar Mutawalli.

Not long after, my wife joined me in the back corner of one of the stalls by the river. At first, he didn't want to go down, he just wanted to sleep in the car. Until finally I persuaded him again by giving an excuse that we needed to cool the car engine. After my wife finished taking some photos with her cellphone, I then asked her what she thought about the name I sent.

According to my wife, of the four names I sent, she preferred the first name but discarded the first word. Because "Ghiyats" is too difficult for the Acehnese tongue to pronounce. "So, Ahmad Fawwaz is shorter," said my wife. I also agree with his opinion, even though one word is omitted at the beginning, it does not reduce the beauty of the meaning of the name which means "A commendable and lucky man".

After resting for an hour, we continued our journey. At 14.00 PM, we arrived safely at our parents' house. As soon as we got out of the car, we were immediately greeted by my father who was sitting at the “jamboe” in front of our house. My wife immediately greeted him. I followed behind with our suitcases and stuff. After putting our things in the house, I went greeted my father and went to the kitchen to meet my mother who was cooking beef rendang with my youngest sister. Meanwhile, my younger sister, who had just given birth, was resting in the family room with her red baby. Soon her husband came out of the room and greeted us.

I can catch the happiness in my parents' eyes. Not just because their son came home, but more than that. There was a radiance of longing they had buried for a long time. Missing a new face, longing to be called by a new name. Grandfather and grandmother. Now both of our parents legally bear that name. New enthusiasm and hope-filled our entire home. May luck always be with our family, just like the name I have chosen for her. Ahmad Fawwaz: Praiseworthy and lucky man.

Thank you for visiting and reading this simple post. If you like, please leave feedback in the comments column.

Power of love

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That river looks really relaxing and peaceful!🧘