First Long Trip with Love

in instablurt •  2 years ago 

Natural charm from the top of Mount Geurutee.

Hello Blurt friends..!

Today my wife and I went on an unusual trip. Our trip this time is in the context of going home or returning to our hometown before the Eid al-Fitr holiday to let go of this painful longing to see parents and family again.

In the previous years, every time we went home, we always used public transportation, but this time we tried to drive our own car. This was our first experience, crossing the Meulaboh-Banda Aceh road by passing through three mountains (Geureute, Paro and Kulu).

We had to take this initiative because all public transportation was full. Everyone has ordered tickets in advance, since the homecoming permit was issued by the government of Indonesia. It's natural, because it's been two years since people have been unable to return to their hometowns due to restrictions due to Corona.

After confirming that we will go home this time by driving a private car, for almost a week I have to go back and forth to the workshop to make sure of the condition of the car is really in its prime. Starting from porcelain, brakes, to the condition of the engine. Of course, it is very risky if the car used for long trips is not in prime condition. Our journey from Meulaboh to my hometown in North Aceh will take approximately 10 hours.

The original plan was that we were going to travel on Jumat day, but because we had work to do, we had to postpone it. This morning, at 08.00, we started driving to Banda Aceh. This is the safest path we chose. Apart from going through Banda Aceh, you can also travel via Geumpang, Pidie. It's just that this route has a greater risk, in addition to potholes, landslides also often occur when it rains.

After traveling for two hours, with a speed of 60-80 Km/hour, at 09.45, we have entered Aceh Jaya Regency. There, we stopped to rest for a while at a friend's house, while cooling the car engine. After checking several engine parts, especially the oil and radiator water, we continued our journey. Our next stop is at the Lamno gas station. We stopped there at 11.30. After adding fuel and washing our face, we continued our journey.

"The real challenge begins," I thought. In front of us, three great mountains await. First Mount Geureute, we managed to pass smoothly. Then Mount Kulu and Paro.

"Alhamdulillah..!" my wife and I said at the same time.

Before entering the Geurute Mountain area.

Full concentration along the way, plus the hot weather, and in the atmosphere of Ramadan fasting, became a challenge for us. Acehnese ethnic songs, slow rock and Pop accompanied our journey.

At 13.00, we arrived in Banda Aceh and immediately looked for lodging to rest. Because in the atmosphere of Ramadan and before Eid, many inns do not accept guests. After spending 30 minutes, we finally found an inn that was open. Without waiting long, I immediately performed the zuhur prayer and lay down on the bed. Even though the air conditioner is not cool, the atmosphere is quite comfortable.

At 17.30, before breaking the fast, we went to fulfill the invitation to break the fast together from our brother and sister at a cafe around Ulee Lheu Banda Aceh. Taking a short break and spending time with loved ones after a tiring journey, will give us a tremendous injection of positive energy.


Moreover, tomorrow I will return to travel 303.4 km or about six hours more, with my proud Jimny Katana and my beloved wife.


Thank you for visiting and reading this simple post.

Full of love

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