Photography Ropalidia insects.

in instablurt •  2 years ago 

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A small insect that has a pair of wings with a slightly rough-looking wing texture reminds me of the serial flm animated cartoon 'munki and trunk where they are able to lift monkeys and elephants in groups while the animals are asleep, maybe this sounds a little strange but the animated film cartoon this one of my favorite animated films.

And the wasp Ropalidia is one of the insects that has a role in that animated film and they have a body structure and eyeballs that look so stunning with the beauty of the color that is so amazing.

Today I have a collection of Ropalidia wasp macrophotography shots in some black and white macrophotography shots and I found them around the flower plants in the yard when they returned to their nests in the late afternoon.

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CameraSmarphone + macro lens
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