in instablurt •  9 months ago 



walk to the therapist
Going to the therapy gave me such gills.

I couldnt find the number of the building so I was walking around like an idiot and finally I called her minute to the scheduled hour to ask her how can I find it. When I got there, other woman was there finishing her session so I set in the waiting/office room and my heart was beating 130 haha.
I finally got on the sofa and I maybe cried a little( she didnt noticed) because I realizes thats it, you are helping yourself finally

the talk
The fear I had was uff she is going to ask me why am I here, and I am here because of me. All of me. Not hm I have problem with love, you know what I mean. And she didnt ask me, she was leading the conversation on her own and got the basic informations in every aspect of my life to know who I am and what is the surface. The first thing she noticed is that I have low selfastem and that is in every aspect of life. That is absolutly correct.
1. to figure out what is the main problem that I want to work on
2. to thing wahat needs to happen for me to feel that the problem is slowly going away and we are making progress
  • See ya soon, on my next theraphy

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