24.03.1999. the anniversary of my country being bombarded by NATO calling it the rescue mission. There is still no excuse’s for this and still no one is being responsible

in instablurt •  2 years ago 

It’s the 24 March 2022 but we never forget 24 March 1999 because my country was bombarded by the NATO forces without permission of the United Nations Security Council. 2000 civils died and among that number were 100 children. We do have monument for this little girl who was trying to potty and bomb then hit her house and she died.
I was two years old
Do you know yesterday died Madeline Albright and unfortunately Serbia celebrated. Do you know that standard ‘never talk bad about dead’ but she has done some bad things to my country and yesterday we were celebrating her death and isn’t it weird that she died the day before the NATO aggression that she was leading.
Another weird stuff is that we were bombarded for three months no one took any responsibility. There were no restrictions, whole world on their feet like there is now for Russia and America itself talking trash about Russia and about things and calling them murderers even though they are the murderers themselves.
it’s so yucky and awful that we are living in this world and society doesn’t know what’s happening because the America and the leading forces of Europe are controlling the information‘s yet 23 years ago people died no one talks about it, no one called Hugh for the criminal records into trying to convict America, to convict France, Germany but Russia is first on the list now..
One soldier in Greek actually refused to take any actions in the acts of aggression for Serbia and he was found guilty and spend in prison for 20 years like oh my God world is messed up and you know what no one talks about it!
no one cares about the victims but now when is the other side of the matter of the America everybody talks about it wow wow
will never forget NATO and what America did to us, never :)

This picture is from a newspaper 🗞 and others are created by people oj the instagram I follow and there are to spread the awareness



I wanted to add that the leading reason why they bombarded us it’s called I don’t know humanity reasons because of the murders yeah they found like I don’t know how much military people and we were accused of killing them but they actually found out that the bodies were actually the military of Serbia so someone was killing us and punishing us by killing

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

In wars, the innocent always die first, and I always grieve for the loss of civilians and soldiers who do not want to fight, regardless of nationality, language, race or belief.

But do you want to talk about the mistakes that the country has made? What about months of genocide in the middle of Europe?

Or do you want to talk about those on trial at war crimes tribunals?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Killing innocent people who are fighting their leader is nor what you call saving the people. Innocent people died who were against their leader as well. It is just cruel.
Do you want to talk about Syria and about the seven other countries being forced my America, oh yeah we don’t talk about that because that is legal and no one should take any responsibility ofc. Do you want to talk about Ukrain killing Russian people for 10 years oh you don’t want to talk about that. Hu, everybody watching themself until it happens to them ☺️

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We can talk about anything you want. It's okay for me, but with a nationalist approach, it gets harder to find the truth.

I witnessed the suffering of Bosnians. I do not want to go into details, what has been done is brutality and genocide.

As for the Syrian issue, I live in a country that has a border there. Since the first day of the war, we have hosted more than 7 million Syrian citizens. I am always with the innocent people affected by the war as a human being.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

For 8, not 10 years, Ukraine did not kill, but fought off the Russians, who invaded our territory with impunity.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I agree in total with you these guys from USA (the Land of the free, and the selfcalled holder of the peace on earth), UK, the French and at least the Germans, not to forget all the institutions which was founded from the USA like NATO, WHO, UN, IMF, WTO, SWIFT and more of them try to fire a war which had not come to effect if the head of Ukraine has said NO, we don´t wont that war, we wont risk the lifes of our people, get what you want and give us back our piece of mind to Russia.
I know this is a very unpopular meaning and mindset, but its the truth, did anyone read the news what is coming out every 10 to 15 minutes from Biden und the President of Ukraine these two want to makethe drama almost growing bigger and bigger with every new message, he´s calling for MIG´s from Polandva NATO member and the polish president says ok you will get them the US-will bring them to you, are all this guys crazy the risk a world war for there business, they don´t care about the people suffering in Ukraine, no its all about business.
Who the fuck is actually profiting from all that?
Yes its the US and their organisations (IMF, WTO) with selling weapons, oh they call it humanitarian help, and yeah there´s more they are selling energy now to all the NATO members who had non for the restrictions against Russia and rusian energy imports so that their people in the EU had to suffer also because they had to pay triple the price for their energy or even don´t get some to heat their homes in the ongoing winter/spring season.
These guys the US, the French and the UK Buddies (and now again my peeps the Germans too) are making business on the back of the peole of Ukraine like they did it in so many places on our beautiful planet for centuries before without any negative thoughts it don´t matter that´s business.

Its just a shame !

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Wars are always a terrible disaster and a great pain, but today hundreds of thousands of peaceful Ukrainians are dying as a result of Russia's aggression against Ukraine. In any case, the unofficial data on Marupol are exactly like that. In your opinion, Putin should not be condemned and he is doing everything right?