in instablurt •  3 years ago 

Photo Source: Created by me with Canva

I remember when I learnt HTML and CSS. It was way back in 2014 or thereabout. One of those days, I was surfing through the internet and came across an online forum.

In those days, forums were more in vogue and the go-to place for most people who were just beginning to get the hang of how the internet space works. And so, I joined the league of people chatting on web forums.

Of course, I wanted to know how the internet works, how those web pages spring to life on every click of the button. It looked pretty difficult to me, but I wanted to learn, badly as well.

So I came across a thread one of those days on the forum. The title said "Let's Learn HTML, CSS and PHP Online". Well, I laughed it off as I felt it was quite impossible to learn any of those on the internet.

Yeah, that was what I thought initially, so I had planned to attend any computer schools to learn what I could. But I decided to at least comment on the thread so I opened it.

Well, it was amazing to see how the thread owner was going about the teaching, as though he was teaching a class of toddlers. My interest increased and I decided to bookmark the thread and follow the owner.

And that was how I began my journey to learn HTML, CSS and PHP. So far, I'm quite good with HTML and CSS. I'm still getting the hang of PHP and JavaScript. It's gonna take a while, but I'm pretty sure I'd get it done.

In 2022, I hope I can improve my tech skills, and learn some blockchain skills so that I can assist @saboin, @eastmael and @tekraze in improving the Blurt platform.

How about you? What skills are you learning in 2022??

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It's good that you already have this experience. You already how it feels when studying a new tech. First step is to overcome the overwhelm a seeming unsurmountable / steep learning curve. For this case, it's usually a case of motivation. I have always wanted to publish my first google play/mobile app, but I was only able to do that thsi year thanks to @megadrive.

My point is, I think you already have the interest to study JS. Next is to find the motivation to study and put it into practice. For this step or phase, my approach is to take on a project that interests me. If ever I fail to build or run the project, at least I've learnt something.

Another tip, is to take baby steps. Don't try to tackle a big project immediately.

Just my two cents. Some or all of these you may already know. But just sharing just in case you get something.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hello dear sir @eastmeal!
Please encourage me in this platform۔
And help me with your priceless upvoting
I wish that you will have been developed in BLURT.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Javascript is probably the most important one to learn for working on Blurt UIs. It’s all programmed mostly in Javascript using the REACT framework.

Once you’re fairly good at Javascript, it would be a good next step to learn REACT.

Hello @curtwriter Thank you for this wonderful post. We are happy to celebrate this new year with you sir

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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Thank you 🙂 @tomoyan