Zulu people are the largest group in Southern Africa originating from the Nguni Tribe and they are believed to be the direct descendants of the Zulu who was born to a Nguni Chief. The Zulu people are known for their beadwork, basketry and figural sculpture. The Zulu people can be found in South Africa, Lesotho, Mozambique etc. The Zulu language IsiZulu are spoken by the Zulu tribes, the IsiZulu is characterized by clicks flavoured with idiomatic and proverbial elements.
In the Zulu community their economic activity includes raising cattles, corn farming and growing vegetables. The Zulu male is in charge of herding the cattles while the women do the planting and harvesting. Where the males are the owners of the house in other cultures the Zulu Women has ownership of the house and this gives them an economic authority in the family.
The Zulu Tribe is headed by a tribal leader or chief, it is a genealogical system which legitimizes the power of the Chief. During the era of King Shaka the Zulu military became the mightiest force in Southern Africa.

He ruled from 1816-1828 and under his reign the Zulu empire was created. The empire was inspired by military campaigns conquering and assimilating other rivals.
The Zulu Tribe believes in Amadlozi which are ancestral spirits, they believe these ancestral spirits act as mediators between Umvelinqangi(one who came first or God) and the people in the world. Sacrifices are offered to these spirits for good health and protection. Ancestral Spirits can make their way back to the world in the form of dreams. However many Zulus have converted to christianity under colonialism.
The Zulu Tribe traditional clothing is very simple and colorful, mostly from hides and skin of goats or cattle. The men wear goat or cattle skin which is like a waist apron. They also adorn their heads with feathers and fur. The outfit is known as Amabheshu while the Zulu Women wear Isidwaba a traditional black skirt and colorfu beads.

Since the Zulu are into cattle rearing and agricultural products this forms a major part of their food. These foods includes barbecued or boiled meat, curdle milk called Amasi which is mixed with dry ground corn. In the Zulu culture dining from the same plate is a sign of friendship.

The Zulu people celebrate certain ceremonies like birth, puberty, marriage and death. During periods like this animals are slaughtered and offered to the Amadlozi. To the Zulu the greatest of all misfortune is childlessness.
The Zulu people are very warm and accommodating despite coming from a tribe of powerful warriors. Their life is shaped by the Ubuntu ideology which means good moral nature and good disposition.