in instablurt •  2 years ago 

For about some days now I have not been able to make a post here. i might probably have much to write here this time.
So after getting done with BOOTSRAP on my Dev journey, it marked basically the end of designs and I am good with the following;
JAVASCRIPT (in progress)
So writing JavaScript has been one of the most interesting topics in my Dev journey. I find it interesting most probably because I used to love mathematics during my high school days. In fact some of my course-mates ran away because they didn't want to have any encounter with anything relating to mathematics especially when we got to Maths Module in JS.
i will be sharing a few snips I took from my PC about on my VS code where I wrote some of my JS notes.

The above picture is just about declaring a variable and logging unto them. I used "var" or "let"

The above picture has some maths module in JS ranging from additions, subtractions and the rest of them.



continuation of Maths module and data comparisons in this picture.


The above picture is basically talking about array methods in JS.


Here we talked about conditional and switch statements in JS.

objs in js.PNG

The above picture is an example of objects in js with properties and methods.
Thanks to @saboin and @Tekraze every-time and @bestkizito. I think @megadrive should see this.
@sagarkothari88 I am sure you are on the blurt app we cant wait to see the whole world download the app on their devices.
Mentioning people in my post is not a way of campaigning for votes.
I am a New Dev or a junior Fullstack Developer and the people I always mentioned inspired me into picking a challenge and I will always appreciate them for that.

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