The future of a child depends on both parents

in instablurt •  3 years ago 


Hello friends,
Assalamu Alaikum, how are you all? Hope everybody is doing very well and healthy. I'm much better.

The future of a child depends on its parents. Because if a child does not get the affection and love of parents from childhood, then the future of that child is never good. About 10% of the children in Handet Parsons are good who have not received parental love since childhood. But the future of most children depends on their parents.

In fact, those whose parents do not survive in this world have grown up with the neglect of others since childhood. There was no one to rule them. There was no one to guide them. That is why they may choose to steal, rob and snatch when they grow up. Again, many are involved in various types of drugs. They use different types of drugs. In fact, this is how they spend their days. Again, in the case of those whose parents do not survive in the world, some are better. In fact, they may live in an orphanage or be known as someone's adopted child. However, they are more or less loved by their relatives, so they may be human.

Many parents live apart in childhood. After they have children, they may get into trouble and get divorced. In that case, however, the children are affected. In fact, no matter who the father or mother is with the child, if the parent is not one, then the effect on the child must come. In that case there could be some kind of serious harm to the child. There are many cases where the child becomes mentally unbalanced due to separation of parents. In fact, the future of a child depends on his parents.

It is often seen in our society that many girls get pregnant after being raped or get pregnant after being deceived by love. In that case the search for the girl but no father is recognized as an illegitimate child. It is often seen that many mothers leave the disobedient child on the street or in the dustbin as soon as it is born. In that case, if that child goes to a good person, then it is good at least a little bit and the children who grow up in that street never become good people. In fact, they somehow managed to get rid of the stomach irritation. However, in the case of everyone, the incident does not happen before, some boys are also good. Maybe they are better off because they can understand the problem from childhood. Or maybe for some other reason. Therefore, before giving birth to a child, one must consider whether the parents can take the responsibility of that child. In fact, the love that parents can give, the love that no relative or anyone else can give.

Finally, the future of a child depends on both parents. In fact, a child who does not receive the affection and love of his parents from an early age can never become a good person, but some children are good. However, in order for a child to be good, it needs the love of that child's parents.

So friends, so far today. Many thanks to everyone for reading my post. And if there is any mistake in my writing, then you must look at it with forgiveness. I pray to the Creator that everyone stays well and stays healthy.

God bless you.

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