Rejoice in the one you have found, do not chase after the one who is gone, and the one you did not find was never yours

in instablurt •  3 years ago 

Rejoice in the one you have found, do not chase after the one who is gone, and the one you did not find was never yours.


Hello friends,
Assalamu Alaikum, I hope by the grace of Allah everyone is well and healthy. I too am well in the infinite mercy of the Creator.

We should be happy with what we have gained without running after what we have lost. And what we didn't get, we never had and never will.

In fact, our life is so strange that we get what we want a lot of time and not much time. He runs after her but to no avail.

We often form relationships with people we never meet. He may have left us after the relationship was formed. In the future, when some person comes in our life, we get involved with them again. We should be happy with the future that we have in our lives without running after the person who leaves us. In fact, he who was gone had to go, he will never come back. In fact, the one we didn't get was never ours. RJ comes to us without asking that we should think of him being happy with him who will never leave us. But we often make the mistake of running away from our lives in the hope of finding him. We know that he will never return to our lives, yet we sit on the path and ignore what we have. We do not want to understand his answer. But we should give importance to what we have.

We want to get a lot in the way of life a lot of the time. As I give an example, a poor boy is begging to buy his shoes. But his parents don't have enough money to buy shoes. So one day he is walking down the street barefoot. He suddenly sees a man without two legs. He was surprised to see. How can a man walk without two legs? God has disabled him. So he doesn't have legs, how can he put shoes on his feet. The boy thought for a long time and then he thought that the water of the man was lying on his shoes, he could not walk well and the creator had given me two legs, I could not put on my shoes but I could walk. Thinking about this, Share stopped bidding to buy shoes and she thought I was happy with what I got. And running after what I didn't get is of no use because his parents have no ability to give it to him.

The Creator often tests the human mind with someone's wealth, begging for someone's way, making someone's hands and feet better with everything, making someone's handicapped, making someone beautiful and making someone look ugly. We always run for the better. So if something good doesn't come to us and catch it, I think it's best to be happy with what we have without running after it.

The way the Creator directs our lives is the way we go. Maybe in our life it was very necessary for the good people to leave the bad people. If there are bad people, how will the arrival of good people happen in our life. So we have to stop running after the one who is gone and hold on to the one who is there and live. Then life will be much more beautiful.

In the end, I will say that if there are many such incidents in our life, we will try to stay good with what we have got without running towards bad. Then I will definitely be a successful person in life.

So friends so far today. I am saying goodbye like today by thanking everyone. God bless you.

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