Life is about learning from the past and moving forward by using the present with the future in mind

in instablurt •  3 years ago 


Assalamu Alaikum,
I hope by the grace of God everyone is much better. I am also much better in your prayers.

Every one of us has an accident in our life so life never stops for anyone. We have to move forward without having to worry about the past. We have to learn from the past and use the present with the future in mind so that success will come in life, life will never stop. That is why it is not necessary to suffer by remembering the past. It is necessary to learn from the past and erase the past from the mind.

Each of us has to face many obstacles in fulfilling our life goals. Some are able to move forward and some stand still. However, those who are able to overcome this obstacle and fulfill the purpose of life can achieve success in all tasks in life. Success never comes to the lives of those who stand still today. Our future is bound to be bright if we can move forward, avoiding obstacles, leaving the past behind. But if the past is left behind, the future is not bright, so the present must be used, then the future will be beautiful and successful.

It is seen in our society that many times many people fail in love. In love they are deceived. Or in love the lover or the lover gets married in another place. This is why many people suffer and cannot find a way forward. They lose their temper. Many people choose to commit suicide because they are deceived by love and cannot show their face to the society. Proves love with life. But they think that love can be proved by surviving. Is life so fragile that you have to prove love with life? If they do not choose the path of suicide and erase their past from their minds and think for the future, then there will be no shortage of people to love them. If one is gone, thousands of people will love him. The one who went was to go to the bridge and the one who will come will see his present. So we have to forget all the sorrows of the past and move forward with education from the past, only then a bright future is guaranteed.

In our society, many girls become widows at an early age or many husbands and wives get divorced and many husbands leave their wives. That is why girls who become widows at an early age cannot show their face in the society. Many times they decide to stay alone for the rest of their lives. Many times the wife does not get married anywhere even after getting divorced. They think that all boys are the same. However, I would say that life is the name of giving freedom to one's life without thinking about this society. There is no point in wasting one's life saying that he is gone. The past money should be erased from the mind and the present money should be used without remembering the pain. It may not be that everyone will suffer because one has suffered. Forget the past and use the present, then something good will await you in the future. Many times the Creator tests our patience. We can be successful in life only if we have patience and control ourselves and move forward. No one can stop the path of improvement in life.

Finally, I would like to say that in order to be successful in life, one must remove all the sorrows of the past from one's mind, learn from the past and use the present with the future in mind.

Thank you all very much for reading my article. I am saying goodbye here like today.

God bless you.

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