If you want to survive in life, you have to struggle and live

in instablurt •  3 years ago 

If you want to survive in life, you have to struggle and live


Hello friends,
Assalamu Alaikum, how are you all? Hope everybody is doing very well and healthy. I'm fine too.

If you want to survive in life, you have to fight and live. Fighting is to move forward without looking back at any task. He who cannot fight in life can never move forward. It is useless to survive in his life.

We have a lot of hard work that we turn away from. In fact, we are afraid to see that work, but we should not be afraid to do that work and dare to do that work believing in ourselves. If you can't do it once, you have to try again and again, only then you can succeed in that task. And what is the use of leaving this life if I leave the field before fighting for that job. So we have to fight as long as we live.

Again, in many places housewives are abused. They are neglected by everyone. So if all those housewives fight, they will be saved from being persecuted. In fact, they can't stand the fear of society. Or many may not look at their parents' faces and fight. If he fights, he will burn his parents' face. But they think that if they don't stop now, if they don't fight now, they will be persecuted for the rest of their lives, they will never be able to resist or fight. That is why if you want to survive, you have to fight and live.

Many people commit suicide in many places. They actually fight for life and lose. No matter how many storms come in life, no matter how hard it is, we have to fight with life by choosing the path of suicide. Those who choose the path of suicide do not really know how to fight for life. If you want to live for this, you have to fight, you have to struggle. Never look back. We have to forget the past and use the present to fight for the future. Only then will success come in life.

In the end I will say that if you want to live life, you have to struggle and live. No matter how many storms come, no matter how many obstacles come, no matter how hard it is, we have to struggle and live in life. Only then is it possible to achieve success in life by overcoming all the obstacles of life.

So friends, so far today. Many, many thanks to everyone for reading my post. I pray to the Creator that everyone stays well and stays healthy.

God bless you.

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