Hello friends,
Assalamu Alaikum, how are you all? Hope everybody is doing very well and healthy. I'm fine too.
Today I came back with a new story among you. If you expect more than you should be satisfied with what you have, the consequences are always bad. I am sharing such a story with you, the story of the stupid crow and the peacock. I hope you like it.
So let's start the story friends-
One was a stupid crow. He lived with many other crows. He would fly out every morning in search of food. Then, as evening approached, they would go home. In this way Rose would go out in search of food and return to their home in time.
Suddenly one day the crows were flying in search of food when the foolish crow saw a flock of peacocks. She wondered if she was as beautiful as a peacock. If his call was as beautiful as the call of a peacock. If only he could dance with peacock-like wings. He began to think these things. She wondered if she could be as beautiful as a peacock. Suddenly one day he gathered peacock feathers and put them on himself. However, no matter how much a crow puts a peacock's feather on its body, the crow remains a crow. Even if the beauty of her body changes, her call will never change. The crow's call will be like the crow's no matter how much he changes himself. That stupid crow put on the peacock's fins and went to the peacock's flock. Then the peacocks started laughing when they saw that stupid crow and told him various things. The peacocks chased the crows out of their group.
Then the foolish crow went to the group of crows in that condition. He was chased away from there too. He called Ka Ka but did not give him a place in the group of crows. He finally realized his mistake. He took off the peacock's fins from his body. And he apologized to his team that he had made a big mistake and would never do that again. He will be happy with what he has. The crows took him back to their group and he lived happily ever after.
Finally, I would say that you should be happy with what you have. Nothing should be expected beyond one's means. If you want to get more beauty than you have to be satisfied with the beauty that the Creator has given you, the result is never good.
So friends, so far today. Many many thanks to everyone. I wish you all good health.
God bless you.
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