
in instablurt •  2 years ago 


Hello friends, how are you all? Hope everyone is very well and healthy. I'm fine too.

The name of nature's greatest creation is friendship. A true friend or true friend never leaves his friend in times of danger. I am sharing such a story with you. Hope you like it.

There were two friends in a village. They couldn't live without each other. Wherever they went, the two friends would go shoulder to shoulder, if there was any work to be done, they would shoulder to shoulder and work together. This is how they spend their days.

There was a well in that village. All the people of that Kuai village used to fetch water with buckets. But for some time no village people could draw water from that well. Besides, they had no other wells or wells to drink water from. Their drinking water is available only from that well. But no villager can draw water from that well. They are unable to raise the water despite their efforts. All the houses in the village have run out of water. There is no drinking water. Everyone now needs to draw water from the well but no one can. When you go to draw water from the well, the bucket overflows.

One day that boy was requested by everyone in the village. The boy cannot refuse their request. The boy tells them to tie a rope around his waist, lower him into the well and ask them to hold onto the rope at the top. And the boy gives them a condition. The boy tells the villagers that his friend should be there when he goes down into the well. Let his friend hold the rope of the well. Everyone in the village was shocked. They think that having so many powerful people and having so many people in the village needs a friend. None of them understand this reason. But the boy became stubborn and finally the villagers agreed to terms with him. And as the boy said he brought his friend and tied a rope around the boy's waist and lowered him inside him. The boy went down into the well and saw a big monkey inside the well. The boy does not say anything to anyone. He dived into the water and lifted the monkey on his shoulder. And asks all the people above to pull the rope. When the villagers pulled the rope, they could see something black inside it. They got scared and left the rope. But the boy's friend does not let go of the rope, he grabs the rope and pulls his friend up. And the boy came up and said why Ken had conditioned his friend to be there. Then everyone in the village understood why the boy asked his friend to be there. And the boy has indeed proved to be a true friend here


So finally I will say that it is very necessary to have a true friend in everyone's life. A person who has no friends in his life can never move forward. Because a friend falls to advance his friend and protect him from all dangers or stand by his side.

So friends so far today. Thank you all so much for posting my post. And if any mistake has been made, then definitely look at it with forgiveness. Stay safe and healthy everyone. goodbye friends.

Hello my all hivens friend's,

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