NaBloPoMo progress report.

in instablurt •  2 years ago 

Dear Blurt Community

We’re now two thirds of the way through challenge, and I thought it was a good time to pause and reflect on the last 20 days.


Last month, I managed 4 blog post each week, and that was mostly because I felt I should, rather than because I had any hugely inspiring ideas to share. But I love my little blog, and didn’t want it to become something I viewed as a chore, rather than something I did through choice. So maybe committing to a post every day wasn’t the cleverest move – but as it happens, it’s been exactly what I needed.


Over the past 20 days, I’ve been really surprised at how easily the blog posts have come together, and it’s renewed my enthusiasm and reminded me why I fell in love with blogging in the first place. There hasn’t been a day yet when I’ve had to really think hard to come up with an idea – although of course there have been some when I’ve had less time to write (that’s generally when the photos of sheep start coming out…).

And because I’ve needed an idea for every day, it’s led me to pay more attention to what’s going on around me, and to renew my commitment to looking for the positives in everything I do. I’ve also been thinking more about positivity in general; creating the Happiness Manifesto was a highlight.

I’ve had to manage my time better too; rather than wasting my commute or lunch break, I’ve been using it to blog (or, one occasion, to quiz my colleagues in the name of research).

Some of the posts this month have been the most popular in terms of both readers and response; the debate about when we get to call ourselves writers got some particularly interesting comments. (If you haven’t had your say yet, you’re more than welcome to join the discussion!)

I’ve made several new blogging friends this month, and discovered loads of great blogs to follow as well, so I’ve spent a lot of time reading and commenting on posts, and stumbled on some real gems.

NaBloPoMo may be almost over , but if you’re a blogger, I’d recommend taking this challenge another month. I’m loving it so far, and it turns out impulsively deciding to give it a go on was a great move. I can’t guarantee I’ll keep posting every day in month’s up, but at least now I know I can do it if I want to – and best of all, I’ve got my blogging mojo back.

Pixabay royalty free Image Credit : 1

Screenshot_2020-08-29 One more reminder about PROJECT HOPE stand on PLAGIARIZM and post spinning — Hive.png

Screenshot_2020-08-29 Hive.png

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