We refrain from lying

in instablurt •  3 years ago 

Hi friends how are you all hope all is well i am very good and healthy by the infinite mercy of the creator and always you are good and healthy i wish that

The subject I will discuss today is the great sin of lying

There is a proverb that gives birth to a thousand lies to hide a lie. In fact, the Creator does not forgive the real liar. It is a great sin to tell a lie. In any other case, it becomes his bad habit

The liar will never be able to be self-sufficient in his life and will not be able to improve in any field at home because if he is in danger then people believe him one day or two but again and again people lose faith in him. I can't believe talking to him anymore
Lying has become a habit of those who do not hesitate to lie to their parents, do not hesitate to lie to their children or to their own people.

The habit is not formed overnight because he makes these habits by telling small lies for a long time when he cannot change it so it becomes his habit whether it is in transaction or any other case. You can never judge a person by looking at their face, just as you can never think by looking at a person's face. It is not possible to guess whether he is telling the truth or lying. The man will then relate to the man after considering his character or various things and judging what the man is like.

We all avoid telling lies from our place. It is very difficult to get rid of a terrible disease which cannot be treated by any doctor. Only he can do it. We will all try to tell the truth. Ten lies. Better a poor horse than no horse at all

So far today I hope everyone will like these precious words of mine. You will like my success. All will be well. Be healthy. Pray for me so that I can discuss something new in front of you. Thank you all for being with me.

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