The New Normal

in informationwar •  last year 


"But it's below ZERO Mom! They won't even let us go out for recess at school if it's below 32! Making us go out to play in this is CHILD ABUSE!"

Out I sent them anyway. Out out out out of my hair for a half hour. That's all I needed, thirty minutes of alone time. I spent a full hour getting them all appropriately bundled up to go out so I could have 30 minutes of peace.

Out they went. The dog too. I put up a pot of coffee, and sat where I could see them perfectly well. They had a great time, came in after an hour because the hot chocolate I had made them was ready, and we had a lovely evening talking about how nice it was to get exercise outside, especially when it was cold out.

The following Tuesday, I was summoned to the pricipal's office. I expected the summons to be to address the snarky attitude of my youngest's, who, to her credit, took no crap from anyone, not even teachers. I admired her for it.

But it turned out her essay for Monday's "What did you do this weekend" assignment, ruffled some feathers. All the other children told stories about what they did online, who they talked to on the phone, what they saw on social media, or what they watched on TV. My daughter started her presentation with "I didn't want to go outside because it was BELOW ZERO, but my mother made me do it."

Child Protective Services was waiting for me when I arrived,


Child protective services are a joke. In my experience, it's either a school official or a doctor who reports a parent for neglect or abuse. Is this really a risk you want to take?

This is a freewrite, and has been posted on that other chain.


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  ·  last year  ·  

Ohh my dear, children do things out of innocence but these monsters just hold you on to that innocence. Still in India these things are not of a concern, but I do read a lot of it in the western countries and it does scare me, because these trends are easy to flow down globally.

  ·  last year  ·  

The US is now one of the worst countries in the world to crack down on people in order to "protect" us. Tyranny is here, and few people notice. Very alarming! They always start with our children, too. Our most vulnerable spot. Mengele told children he would make them prettier if they would let him change the color of their eyes.

  ·  last year  ·  


survival by coffee


  ·  last year  ·  

Good job. Raising kids to become unafraid and self sufficient is not a popular choice. It doesn't fit the government control of every aspect of their complete dominance of life. When I was growing up I had an abusive father so every morning I would get on my bicycle and ride for miles around a very large park. I wouldn't come home until dusk. It was the only time that I felt I had control over my life. This was back in the 1960's when cops were on the lookout for the "bad guys". The predators were few and far between in those days and the ones who were locked up thought twice about doing anything to children again. Now they are left out in the world to create havoc in order to foster fear and destroy common sense.
So bravo to you for being a GREAT and LOVING momma. This country needs a million more of you.

  ·  last year  ·  

Funny timing. I just saw this on YouTube.......

How they're going to TAKE YOUR CHILDREN while you're hate watching Dylan Mulvaney

I think you should follow up this post with this lady's video. I was debating sharing it myself because I agree so strongly with her but then I saw this post. I think you should share it. Kinda ties in. Meant to be.

  ·  last year  ·  

There is so much of this going on now! Where did I just see a video about how Mengele tried to change the eye color of children in the camps, blinding them, but they thought they would have pretty blue eyes instead of ugly brown, so they agreed. This part of the trans agenda is medical experimentation and sterilization of children. It is being hidden from parents because no sane parent would consent.

Just another way to make criminals out of conservatives.

What do you mean I should follow imy post up with this?

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

She was talking about the obvious road we are on to have Social Services take people's children. The loss of parental rights. That's what I meant. Specifically, using the educational and medical systems. The tie in is where you wrote "In my experience, it's either a school official or a doctor who reports a parent for neglect or abuse." In the future, if we allow it, it will be a parent denying "life saving gender-affirming care" to their child. That is specifically the part of the video I was referring to.

  ·  last year  ·  

I don't think she has any special information or analysis to offer. She's just saying "conservatives" are going to lose their children and "the left" is going to win because "conservatives" are stupid and fail to listen to her. She's a nobody. Ignore.

  ·  last year  ·  

Yes, she's a nobody just like me. I agree with her that's all about the loss of parental rights coming.

  ·  last year  ·  

That's been happening for many decades, and you've been well aware of it. You're not a nobody!

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  ·  last year  ·  

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Somehow Lenore Skenazy has known how to handle these CPS workers whenever they have gotten out of line with her. And would you believe that she's the queen of free-range parenting?

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

I'll have to look her up. Thanks for reading and commenting on my story! How's it going for you here? Any better?

  ·  11 months ago  ·   (edited)

Well, owasco, it's like this. If I want to post a comment about an article that someone posted on the Blurt writing platform, I don't ever seem to have any trouble. However, if I wish to publish an article on my Blurt channel, I always have to do so in my Mozilla Firefox browser, because I am having no success at doing so in my Google Chrome browser. I'm wondering if maybe I should restart my computer and see if that will fix the problem in my Google Chrome browser. I haven't done so yet, because I have a lot of windows open in my Google Chrome browser.

I know that certain websites work in one browser better than others. Every time I log into the website for the Copyright Office under the Library of Congress, I constantly have to remind myself to do so in my Mozilla Firefox browsers inasmuch as I will run into technical problems in other browsers; and the website even warns me to do so.

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Interesting! I use the Brave browser to blog with, and have never had any problems posting links to anything. I don't do anything terribly difficult though.

Well, I actually figured it all out. I simply had to go into my Google Chrome settings and clear out the cache and the cookies in my Google Chrome browser. Now everything works on my Blurt channel as it should. And to think that there was once a time that I didn't know how to do that. Live and learn.

Also, I had a question for you, owasco. I know that the Hive writing platform and the Steem writing platform both have keychains to make it easier to log into one's account in each blockchain. Does the Blurt writing platform have a keychain that does all the things that the keychains on the other two writing platforms do?

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

You know, I don't think it does. I use my posting key. Not sure though. There are a lot of frontends. Ask in discord, or ask Tekraze, offgridlife, saboin.