Solar Mythology #7

in history •  last year 

Incase you missed the first sunrise


#1 Introduction to Solar Mythology and the Jesus Story


#2 Deley (2003) Evidence that Jesus never existed
#3 Edward Gibbon (1776) Irked by Silence of the Contemporaries
#4 Robert Taylor (1829) Demonstration That No Such Person As Jesus Christ Ever Existed
#5 Kersey Graves 1875: All history ignores him.
#6 T.W. Doane (1882) "Bible Myths and their Parallels in Other Religions"


Feel free to speak about whatever you like in the comments.

I never claimed God doesn't "exist"

But O do claim that "Jesus Christ" os a nothing but a mere title anyone can muster up to with hard dedication and work. And that a man who was named as such, and performed miracles and was the Messiah of God or even god himself, is mere foolary and not true at all, but merely a personification pf the sun and its story along side the image of this persona, to be used to control others. Because people are such precious resources, evil will do what they can do take advantage a d that includes mass mind control at scales above the common level of imagination.

What do you define as existence?
What does exist?
Aside from our own self awareness, how can we know what exists outside of ourselves?
Is the debate about whether a God exists or not even relevant to the meaning of life?

We are here. We are now. We exist because we each know that we exist. We know it as a basic fact. We are here. We are present. We are observing. We create and we destroy. We are the creators. We are God pretending not to be.

It is astounding how realizing you are God is treated in the western world as opposed to the east. On one side, we have a child who tells his parents that he figured out he is. Depending what your upbringing is like, you will either be shamed as ridiculous or be made fun of for not realizing that sooner.

But how does one realize they are God?

I think the key is when people stop declaring themselves as being something that is apart from the universe, and when they do, they will conclude that they are the universe looking back at themselves.

Below this welcome is information acquired after many years pain staking research and organizing from many historians, christians, philosophers, scientists of many fields and people like you, who just wanted to know the truth and not be lied to by conflicts of interest. Below is an attempt of all that researched layed out as simple as possible for anyone to read and understand, if they so will to find truth. None of the wording below is mine and comes directly from the solar mythology website. You are more than welcome to see for yourself.

Next week we will be moving to the next installment by diving into Comparative Religion. More Books and essays to read will be included in this weeks publication.



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Even in Biblical Times People Asserted Christ Never Existed

The whole purpose of the brief 2nd book of John is to admonish followers not to listen to the many people who were telling them the simple truth that Jesus never existed. The Catholic Bible dates the 2nd book of John to 90 A.D. Thus apparently it was a big problem only a few decades after the alleged time of Jesus. Read now the words of this book:

2 John 1:7-11 "Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. Watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into your house or welcome him. Anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work."

Thus, soon after Jesus allegedly existed, were so many people claiming that he didn't exist. And rather than approach these unbelievers in a rational manner and present them with overwhelming evidence that Jesus really had existed just a short time ago, and all the miraculous things said to have happened really did happen, the writer instead admonishes his readers to stay away from these people. "Do not take him into your house or welcome him." The writer stigmatizes these people as "the deceiver" and "the antichrist" who do "wicked work," and further stigmatizes anyone who should listen to them.

Thus, even very early on, whenever 2 John was written, which the Catholic Bible dates as being 90 A.D., there was a big problem of many people saying Jesus never existed. And the author's chosen way to refute these claims was by administering admonition and fear into the hearts of the believers.

The only way to maintain a falsehood is to stigmatize the truth to such an extent that it is heresy to even listen to it.

Robert Taylor stated it eloquently:

“We might, say they, as well affect to deny the existence of such an individual as Alexander the Great, or of Napoleon Bonaparte, and so set at defiance the evidence of all facts but such as our senses have attested. It being quite forgotten that the existence of Alexander and Napoleon was not miraculous, and that there never was on earth one other real personage whose existence as a real personage was denied and disclaimed even as soon as ever it was asserted, as was the case with respect to the assumed personality of Christ.”1


[1] Robert Taylor Diegesis (1829) p. 367

More Books, Web Sites, and Essays Demonstrating That No Such Person As Jesus Christ Ever Existed

I include one more link, the rest is in the above link. Feel free to check them out.

The next question is, "Where Did This Jesus Story Come From?" Comparative Religion shows the Jesus Story and motif of a Crucified Savior already existed in numerous religions prior to the alleged time of Jesus.
NEXT: Comparative Religion

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  ·  last year  ·  

"Where Did This Jesus Story Come From?"

Did you ask a Jesuit ?

Or the CIA ?


Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks. When I get Wi-Fi I'll look into it. Meanwhile, if there is a literature version you recommend?

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  ·  last year  ·

Seems he wants to sell his book to me ,..
He might be living in a other world , and for sure about his info i am not .
He might be just adding more halls and passages to the Maze .

Does sites some books in the videos from the 1800ths and 1900ths that might be interesting to read .


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  ·  last year  ·  

Something quite peculiar is happening in my country, many churches have sprung up, out of nowhere. I recently found out that a bonus is given to pastors.

I don't know if it's because of that. I don't want to speculate.

But, if I have noticed that not in all this God. People use others for various purposes.

About the existence of God, personally, I decide to believe.

  ·  last year  ·  

Religion is very popular idea among the evil ones to gain status and steer the followers to give up their money and most importantly their mind for control.

The position of power is very attractive to psychopaths and anyone else that wishes to gain from such positions such as pedophiles. They will hide behind fake masks posing as christians or anything that will help them gain access to their satisfaction of vices. I have talked with many countless religious people and most of them refuse to even question or accept that just because it is a religion for their god, that they are exempt from being wrongly, fraudulently indoctrinated and that their leaders are not currupt. Not many are willing to accept that reality and continue to fund their evildoers and masters blindly. Mostly I think out of fear of what others would say about them if they suddenly stopped going to these religions or even if they just simply stopped funding them.

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  ·  last year  ·  

People need to believe in something. With this I do not deny the existence of God, I totally believe in him. But, I don't belong to any church. I have not felt comfortable, nor have I agreed with some things.

  ·  last year  ·  

People can. I believe truth will set us free.
What things you have not agreed with?

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