Solar Mythology #2

in blurt •  last year 

If you are just arriving please read from the beginning here:

Summer Rising

In the previous episode of solar Mythology, a brief introduction was given to the swimming pool, and before you knew it, you were already at the edge of the tallest diving board and a huge line behind you There is no turning back now. You're 20,000 feet above the earths record sky diving jump.

The re-entrance into the real world will burn, but the reward will be the freshest bath you have ever had.

In today's post we will continue with a bit of history. Everything that will posted beyond my welcome point is not my own. It is derived from the Solar Mythology Website.

The purpose of these posts is to not only preserve the documentation and effort done by these researchers on the blockchain, but to also provide curious readers a means to obtain enlightment over hard topics to grasp for the common layman.

Before we begin, I lay down a few verses

Gospel Of Thomas

These are the secret sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Didymus Judas Thomas wrote down.

Verse 1: And Jesus said, “Whoever finds out what these sayings mean will not taste death.”

Verse 2: Jesus(Yeshua, Isa, Horus) said, “Let the seeker keep seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will be disturbed. When he is disturbed, he will be amazed. When he is amazed, he will be invincible to everything. And when he is invincible to everything, he will be at rest.”

Verse 3: Jesus said, “If pleasing speakers say to you, ‘Look, the Kingdom of God is in the sky,’ then the birds of the sky will get there before you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the waters,’ then the fish of the waters will get there before you. Instead, the Kingdom of God is within you and all around you.

“Those who come to know themselves will find it. And when you come to know yourselves, you will see that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not come to know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and that poverty is you.”

Verse 17: Jesus said, “People may think that I have come to bring peace to the world. They do not know that I have come to bring strife: fire, sword, and war..."


And come well


Brief Introduction before we dive further:

What I aim to do here on here is the same as anywhere else. Find the truth, express what I gnow to be true, share content I find interesting, share opinions, experiences, and point out the heithens as they appear. I am open to recieve all criticism. I will never mute you despite having done so in the past. I hide from no one and am easy to find.

I am a normal human being loving within my means. I dare say I have done more good than bad and wish to continue that throughout my life as I improve myself spiritually the best I can in this insane asylum we call the "civil" western world. Of course the east is not so different from the north and south for insanity is boundless.

A throw of caution to the wind to the curious reader

This is the eternal desert, snowflakes beware of the desert life, their thirsty and will drink you dry as you melt. So tread carefully.

Speak true!

I won't tolerate a lie. I try to be as brutally honest even if it humiliates my ownself entirely, so you're no less safe from my honesty. I am here to be illuminated.

You may not approve of what I have presented beyond this brief intro. I only practice the rights of what I have naturally been bestowed upon since birth just like everyone still has the free choice to get those rights back into their own hands. Something I wish to help provide(link in bio).

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Win with or without a lawyer. Learn what they teach and won't teach in law school. You don't need a law degree to fight your friends or your own battles


Evidence that Jesus never existed

The three topics which suggest that Jesus never existed are:

  1. History

  2. Comparative Religion

  3. Solar Mythology

History: It's inconceivable that during the alleged time of Jesus no one bothered to write down anything about this most extraordinary person, yet we have nothing. Even the earliest Bible reference to Jesus dates to at least A.D. 64, and the first Gospel, the Gospel of Mark, dates to at least A.D. 70 (and probably to A.D. 170).

Comparative Religion shows that the story of Jesus already existed in numerous religions prior to the alleged time of Jesus. Chrishna, Horus, Orpheus, Bacchus, Osiris, Dionysus, Buddha, Apollo, Hercules, Adonis, Ormuzd, Mithras, Indra, Œdipus, Quetzalcoatle, etc. The motif of a Crucified Savior was already extant prior to the alleged time of Jesus.

Solar Mythology shows the story of Jesus is just an allegory for the sun passing through the Zodiac and the passage of the seasons of the year. Jesus travels throughout his one year ministry, and the description of his travels exactly match that of the sun traveling through the Zodiac during the year. Here we have the origin of the Jesus story. This common origin explains why all the stories of crucified saviors are essentially the same.


If Jesus actually existed and did all the miraculous things he is said to have done then surely many people would have written about it during and immediately following Jesus' life. Writing was common at the time, yet an extensive search by many scholars over centuries has turned up nothing. The very few references to Jesus that allegedly date back to his lifetime are clearly forgeries, forged no doubt hundreds of years later by people who realized this embarrassing lack of evidence needed to be rectified (see Joseph Wheless Forgery in Christianity).

Even if we ignore the evidence that they are forgeries, the very small number of these questionably authentic writings that allegedly date back to his alleged lifetime are still far too few. There should be a huge wealth of writing about this person that was written during his lifetime.

Jesus allegedly had crowds of thousands follow him around. Once he fed 5000 people with only a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish (Mark 6:39-44). Later he repeated the miracle again feeding a crowd of 4000 people (Mark 8:1-9). Jesus cured sick people miraculously and raised people from the dead. He changed water into wine at a wedding reception. He exorcised demons. He commanded 2000 pigs to rush into a lake and drown themselves, inciting the people of the nearby town and countryside, who asked him to leave. (No mention is made of what happened to the poor pig herder whose livelihood must have been ruined. Mark 5:1-20).

Wherever Jesus went a crowd gathered and wondered in amazement who this person was. Jesus was a very controversial person. Finally he got himself into so much trouble that huge crowds of Jews demanded his execution. There was a controversial trial followed by his public execution. Three days later he is seen walking around alive again. And no one wrote any of this down when it allegedly happened?

Even the earliest full account of Jesus in the Bible, the Gospel of Mark, is admitted by the Catholic Church to date to at least A.D. 70, a full 40 years after Jesus' alleged death and resurrection. (Mark makes reference to an event that happened around A.D. 70, so it could not have been written any earlier. Modern scholars now date the Gospels as being written near A.D. 170, a full 140 years after the alleged event, since no one makes any reference to a Gospel of Mark, or any other Gospel, prior to this time.)

It's inconceivable that no one at the time bothered to write down anything about the most important person in the whole of human history. Writing was common back then. People wrote letters. Historians wrote commentaries on current events. The Romans wrote and kept legal documents about trials. It's considered one of the best documented periods of history. Yet no one wrote anything about this Jesus; no one painted a portrait of this Jesus; no one drew a sketch of this Jesus; no one cast a coin depicting this Jesus; no one made a statue of this Jesus; no one makes any reference whatsoever to this Jesus. The historical evidence is overwhelming—the Jesus of the Bible never existed.


When is absence of evidence, evidence of absence? In general a mere lack of evidence is not sufficient to conclude a proposition is false. We must also demonstrate:

  1. All of the evidence used to support the proposition is untenable.

  2. Adequate tenable evidence should exist.

  3. A thorough search for this tenable evidence has been made and none has been found.

At this point I leave it to the reader to decide for him or her self whether the above three points have been satisfied or not, as every individual must ultimately decide what one chooses to believe. Any counter-argument will be an attack against one of the above three points. We can not prove that Jesus never existed, just as we can not prove that Santa Claus never existed. Quite a lot of people believe Santa Claus exists (mostly young people).

Being suspicious of "The Jesus Story is a Biography" theory frees our thinking and allows us to look in other places for the origin of the story. Indeed we will discover that the Jesus Story is not unique We will find that the motif of a crucified savor who dies and is resurrected was common in other religions prior to the alleged time of Jesus. We will also discover that the story of Jesus' one year ministry parallels that of the Sun's annual journey through the Zodiac and the Sun's apparent death in Autumn and subsequent resurrection in Spring.

We will pursue these studies in parts 2 & 3. First let's examine what other scholars throughout history have said about the existence of Jesus.



Author rewards have been set to burn. This does not mean curation will burn.

We will continue next week. Thanks for coming. Feel free to discuss anything you wish to discuss in the comments.

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  ·  last year  ·  

While you will pursue these study's .
I will be at rest .


  ·  last year  ·  

I was exploring the cosmos through Mythology and found something interesting. I share what I found. No purring and suing here sir, just enjoying the moment. Have you seen my cat? Learned how to read now.

  ·  last year  ·  
  ·  last year  ·  

Very naughty indeed

Posted from

My favorite: No. 77: Jesus says: "I am the light which is on them all. I am the All, and the All has gone out from me and the All has come back to me. Cleave the wood: I am there; lift the stone and thou shalt find me there!"

  ·  last year  ·  

What's your interpretation of that?

Posted from

Everything is connected, thus summing up to 'the All'. Jesus, and thus we too are the beginning and the end of this All. We all are connected to Jesus. If we need him, we can find him in us. In our hearts.

That is my attempt to interpret this saying.

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