Solar Mythology #4

in jesus •  last year 

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Remember the three points mentioned in #2? Were still going over the first. Which is History. The other two is comparative Religion and then finally solar mythology.

We're still in the history point here. In the last post of these series was talk of one historians work. And a book worthy of reading than anyone interested in history would enjoy.

Today's featured "historian" is Rev. Robert Taylor. But more importantly his work over the origin of Christianity.



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Demonstration That No Such Person As Jesus Christ Ever Existed

by Rev. Robert Taylor (1829)

Rev. Robert Taylor (1784-1844)

There were two very different opinions concerning Christ very early among Christians. Some, as Augustin says,17 believed Christ to be God, and denied him to be man; others believed he was a man, and denied him to be God. The former was the opinion of the Manichees, and of many others before them; of others so early, indeed, and so certainly, that Cotelerius, in a note on Ignatins’s Epistle to the Trallians, assures us that it would be as absurd as to question that the sun shone at mid-day,18 to deny that the doctrine that taught that Christ’s body was a phantom only, and that no such person as Jesus Christ had ever any corporeal existence, was held in the time of the apostles themselves.19 Ignatius, the apostolic Father, expressly censures this opinion as having gained ground even before his time. “If, as some who are atheists—that is, unbelievers—say, that he only suffered in appearance,20 —an expression which, as Cotelerius observes, plainly shows the early rise of this doctrine. And from the apostolic age downwards, in a never interrupted succession, but never so strongly and emphatically as in the most primitive times, was the existence of Christ as a man most strenuously denied. So that though nothing is so convenient to some persons as to assume airs of contempt, and to cry out that those who deny that such a person as Jesus of Nazareth ever existed, are utterly unworthy of being answered, and would fly in the face of all historical evidence, the fact of the case is, that the being of no other individual mentioned in history ever laboured under such a deficiency of evidence as to its reality, or was ever overset by a thousandth part of the weight of proof positive, that it was a creation of imagination only.

To the question, then, On what grounds do you deny that such a person as Jesus Christ existed as a man? the proper answer is,

  • Because his existence as a man has, from the earliest day on which it can be shown to have been asserted, been as earnestly and strenuously denied, and that, not by enemies of the Christian name, or unbelievers of the Christian faith, but by the most intelligent, most learned, most sincere of the Christian name, who ever left the world proofs of their intelligence and learning in their writings, and of their sincerity in their sufferings;
  • And because the existence of no individual of the human race, that was real and positive, was ever, by a like conflict of jarring evidence, rendered equivocal and uncertain

Robert Taylor— DIEGESIS: Being a Discovery of the Origin, Evidences, and Early History of Christianity pg. 253 (1829)


  1. Ait enim Christus Deus est tantum, omnino hominis nihil habens. Hoc Manichæi dicunt. Photiani, homo tantum. Manichei, Deus tantum.—August. Serm. 37, c. 12.

  2. As absurd as to question that the sun shone, &c. Solem negaret meridie lucere, qui Docetas, sen phantasiastas hæreticos temporibus apostolorum inficiaretur erupisse.—Cotel. ad Ign. Ep. ad Trall. c. 10.

  3. Apostolis adhuc in seculo superstitibus, adhuc apud Judæam Christi sanguine recenti, phantasma Domini corpus asserebatur.—Hieron. adv. Lucif. T. 4, p. 304.

  4. Ει δε ωσπερ τινες αθεοι οντες, τουτ’εστιν απιστοι, λεγουσιν το δοκειν πεπον— θεναι αυτον κ. τ. λ.
    —Ign. ad Trall. c. 10, et passim.
    [From Chapter 10 of Ignatius' Epistle to the Trallians. You can find the complete translated text (in a number of different versions) on the web.]

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  ·  last year  ·  

Are you plucking on the seventh seal here ?
Be careful not to crucify him again .

  ·  last year  ·  

It'll be alright on the 3rd day.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

That's true yes .
And the irony in that seventh seal thing ,
if broken the revenge on the atheist's that crucified Jesus comes out .
In the form of a long long silence from god .
Like god will not speak to the ones that could not hear him in the first place .

Hear hear ,. he is silence now ,. it is his wrath on you ,. the priest will go .

And the atheist thinks ,. never heard the man before ,. so whats the difference now ?

3 days ,.. only death around to talk to ,. or call ,. 876543threedayslover , for some comfort .

  ·  last year  ·  

...setting to null has no effect on the price (in practical terms).
Think about how much is printed ?

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  ·  last year  ·  

I didn't do it for the price that would be silly. I don't want payment for work I didn't do.

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  ·  last year  ·   (edited)