Hello friends of the nature, in spite of the fact that the roas are the most common and popular flowers of the world, it has many varieties, this one that I want to share with you is a rose of a very particular color of yellow center and it degrades up to transform into a pale pink.
Esta flor que es la manifestación del amor y existen muchos tipos, esta imagen la tome cerca de un jardín me pareció muy exótica de un variedad de colores muy llamativa.
This flower that is the manifestation of love and there are many types, this image taken near a garden seemed to me very exotic with a very striking variety of colors.
Por el clima de esta hermosa ciudad hay una gran variedad de flores que tratare de compartir con todos ustedes, algunas no se sus nombres tra ta re de investigarlo por lo pronto la rosa la flor universal nunca esta demás
Because of the climate of this beautiful city there is a great variety of flowers that I will try to share with all of you, some of them I don't know their names but I will try to investigate it, for now the rose, the universal flower, is never left out.
Ficha Técnica
Familia: Rosaceae
Género: Rosa
Nombre Común: Rosa
Foto Originales: Motorola G5
Espero las disfruten y recuerden lavarse la manos constantemente y quédate en tu casa
I hope you enjoy them and remember to wash your hands constantly and stay at home