Successful completion of the First edition of "Pad A Girl Child" campaign

in fundraising •  2 years ago 


With heart full of gratitude, I am here to announce that the first edition of "Pad A Girl Child" campaign has been successfully completed.

It was indeed a thing of joy in reaching out to young orphanage girls and putting a smile on their beautiful faces.

In as much as we didn't have so much to offer, we tried our best in seeing that they gained good knowledge on how to properly monitor their periods and maintain a good period hygiene.

  • See below





After the short class, we went forward to distributing sanitary pads amongst them and we made sure that each person got at least one out of the three cartons we purchased.

  • See below




After the distribution, we moved to promoting Blurt by sharing blurt fliers and explaining what Blurt is all about.

  • See below





The whole thing was success and we say a very warm thank you to @onchain-curator, @alejos7ven, and @megadrive for all their support and encouragement.

I remain proud of my team members @henryglowz, @mato445, and @esthy for their tireless efforts in seeing to the progress of this initiative.

We look forward to achieving more!!


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Hi, @srrebullient,

Thank you for your contribution to the Blurt ecosystem.

Please consider voting for the witness @symbionts.
Or delegate to @ecosynthesizer to earn a portion of the curation rewards!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A great initiative, it a good thing promoting blurt. I'm proud to be a member

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It is very gratifying to see these results, thanks friends for your work. @srrebullient

Posted from

Thank you so much @oscarps. We will keep trying our best to spread kindness and promote Blurt.