Seminar on New Energy Devices

in energy •  2 years ago 

Steven Greer announces a seminar scheduled for 25th October.

BREAKING NEWS: Dr. Greer Announces Discovery of 4 New Energy Technologies That Could Save The Earth!

IF this is legitimate, then it is also brave. The history of zero-point devices is one of suppression, destruction and carnage.

One thing Greer is absolutely correct about is that the only way to checkmate the energy-vampire-psychopaths is to go global on a massive scale - simultaneously. The design must be open-source and the devices must be distributed across the world.

Patents are a trap, secrecy is a weakness, and becoming fabulously wealthy will never happen when you've been taken out! This has all been done before and the consequences are terminal.

Zero-point energy itself is not a secret - it is a part of physics - look up electrogravitics and scalar electromagnetism just for starters. What is at stake is the extraction of this immense amount of energy that supports what we think of as empty space.

This is not fanciful; the cold fusion experience almost let one cat out of the bag. The scientists who should have been Nobel Prize winners were instead abused and had to "disappear" from the scene - and were hushed away to work for... governments!

Never mind cryptos, this would be true open source decentralisation. Cryptos are fundamentally dependent upon energy, hence they will always be dependent upon the sources of energy.

Buckminster Fuller, some 60 years ago, wrote that the very first thing that must be decentralised is energy; without that, everything dependent upon such energy can never be truly decentralised.

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I've always said this has to be done. Did you see the film Johnny Mnemonic? Whoever holds the key to free energy gets blasted so give the key to everyone all at the same time. Simple.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

mmm... there's a new black n white edit! not yet on torrents, strangely.
Mind you, it won't improve the plot.

But yes, give pandora's box to everyone! or a critical mass. I still suspect the psychoscum will rather nuke everyone than lose. Those devices will send out fingerprint signals, hence why working devices are impossible to hide.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think this is a defining test for humans. I've been following this for many years - "they" will come and kill you if you make a working device. The zombie-nature of all the med-scams doesn't fill me with hope.
But, hey, this is free! people love free shit!

Greer loves to quote a general quoting an alien converation:
"What's in for me?" asks the retard-general.
"A new world." responds the alien,"if you can handle it."
Great theatre.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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