블러트를 위하여 혼신의 힘을 기울여주는 당신과 운영진들에게 감사의 마음을 전합니다.
당신의 답변에 감사드립니다.
최선을 다하여 투명하게 하겠다는데 투명성이 뭘 의미하는지 모르겠네요.
블록체인이니 당연히 코인의 흐름의 투명성은 담보된다고 봅니다.
그런데 왜 그렇게 흘러가는가의 문제입니다.
쓰임의 문제라고 생각합니다.
몇몇 사람들에게 많은 양의 블러트가 꾸준하게 흘러가고 있으며
또한 거래소로도 많은 양의 블러트가 흘러갑니다.
블록체인은 어느 개인의 소유물이 아니라고 생각합니다.
우리 모두의 것이라고 생각합니다.
앞서 님이 말한 것처럼 투명성이란 흐름의 이유를 밝히는 것이라 생각합니다.
나의 이야기는 시비를 하겠다는 것이 아니니 오해는 없기 바랍니다.
누구보다도 블러트가 성공적인 길로 굳건하게 가기를 바라는 사람으로 하는 이야기입니다.
나는 당신과 많은 이야기를 나누고 싶습니다.
그러나 불행하게도 나는 모국어인 한국어만 할 줄 압니다.
그렇다고 당신과 블러트의 관 한 대화를 하는데 두려워하거나 회피하지는 않을 겁니다.
당신은 유능한 사람이기에 내가 하고자 하는 이야기의 핵심을 잘 이해를 잘하리라 봅니다.
기회가 된다면 만나서 이야기하는 것도 좋을 것이라 봅니다.
그런 날을 기대 합니다.
We can use translation as we are doing now, and I do not mind.
Ok so the blurt coming from initblurt to individuals, is payment for work. @megadrive will publish an accounting report for transparency at some point but the basic easy version of the story is that we have a few coders @ericet@eastmael@yehey and sorry if I missed someone-- if blurt flows to them from initblurt, it is because they are actively contributing to blurt the platform.
@rycharde is our mathematician and researcher. He is teaching me group theory and how it can be used to model and develop distributed systems, and is exactly the kind of proactive person we needed on the team. One of his work products will be a dramatic simplification of the math that drives blurt and a (~50%?) reduction in the amount of active code we run. That reduces attack surface, which is something we as a community need to be very concerned with.
The immediate result of his work is an expansion in my and other teammates ability to comprehend and develop Blurt, as well as in depth articles on serious issues about the reward pool. He and I believe it can be saved instead of going the way of whaleshares, where the reward pool was eliminated.
His work is likely to result in powerful changes on blurt in the next six months and may also inform the design of systems in the 500 family of blockchains.
Doesn't exactly mean they are employed either. Folks work on what they think needs working on, and I like that.
The blurt coming from initblurt and going to exchanges, is for two purposes --
rather elementary market making (we aren't very good at it yet and do not have an automated system but @beerchemist has advised us on where liquidity should be applied in the order books, and we haven't fully implemented his advice, but will). This blurt isn't intended to be bought or sold, but instead help capitalize old and new order books alike.
sell to get btc for new exchange listings - best example of this is probit. They wanted 1.5 btc so we let users know we were selling 1.5 btc worth of blurt to execute the listing. We did this for stex ($3000) and beldex ($1000) as well.
I think that is everything. In blurts beginning I was the only capital investor, to the amount of about $5000. @megadrive later agreed to share that cost with me, making us 50/50 partners..... And his work, demeanor and character make him the best partner I've had in crypto. Blurt would not be the same, or maybe even would not have launched if it were not for his patient and sustained work.
We call initblurt "the shart". Maybe the translator won't translate shart well, so, forgive my rudeness here:
We referred to the stinc accounts as a fart, and built a ventilation system to suck the bad smell out of the air, so we can breathe fresh.
The ventilation system (it is a real thing -- actual software built by @baabeetaa and configured by me) compressed the fart into a shart, and contained the shart in the initblurt account. And here is where it gets rude... A shart is when well, you think you just need to fart but... Also get some 💩💩💩 shit+fart=shart.
And the fact is that the shart is what has supported blurt so far.
Currently we are spending more from the shart than the shart grows in monthly staking reward, and most of that has gone to exchange listings and "wages".
Early on we spoke of a blurt foundation and sometimes we still use those words but there is no entity anywhere in the world, just a trusted relationship between @megadrive and I.
And goals.
At this time the shart is functionally his and my property and we administer it on behalf of blurt. Note that I said functionally-- in fact it's not our property.
And we do have a plan for it and we do have a responsibility to the community to community to communicate that plan.
So here goes:
The shart is currently valued at about 1.4m usd, but of course not exactly. It is not super liquid (semi serious joke: you ever have a semi liquid shart in your pants? 💩😂) meaning that even if we wanted to (we do not want to) we could not dump the shart and run off with $1.4m. So the shart has a mainly notional value.
At current prices, the shart will be used only to pay expenses and nothing more.
If/When the shart is worth $18,000,000+, he and I personally intend to (over months and not suddenly) recover about $1,000,000 each which will be put aside for our families. We both have kids and so we both must work in other roles currently to ensure our families well being.
With deep financial security, that would change and we could work together full time on building value for the community with a fairly unconventional play.
The remainder of the shart (at minimum $16,000,000 of value but maybe more) will somehow be made into an investment vehicle/tool for the development of open technologies.
It will be invested directly in projects and they will have no need for incorporation or ties to venture capital or the state. And returns on these investments will by some yet to be determined with precision approach be tied back to the blurt community. But we aren't a fund. Just a big experiment.
This is our desired direction and of course there are risks and we could fail. I make no promises whatsoever about the future price of blurt and remind our gentle users that this is an experimental software project that could explode at any second, for any reason or without reason.
With that disclaimer stated, everything above is our direction and plan and we will work toward it. Just please know that you must not treat blurt like some kind of fund, it simply is not.
It is an oddity in the world caused by a big and urgent need for a change in governance on steem, a platform and idea and community I loved, identified by @birdinc, coded largely by @baabeetaa and maintained and administered by @megadrive and I.
The plan may change but the goals will not.
The $5000 megadrive and I split did not have any fixed return or number of tokens attached to it. We both got into that knowing it was super high risk but wanted to see this happen.
And guess what?
For me, it was the cheapest education -- or most cost effective I have ever had.
If blurt explodes tomorrow and not a cent returns to me it was still great value for money.
나는 당신의 이야기를 모두 완벽하게 이해 하지는 못했습니다. 구글 번역기를 통하여 어느정도는 이해하였으나 한계가 있으며 경우에 따라서는 잘못된 번역으로 인하여 문제를 만들거나 오해가있을수있음을 잘 알고있습니다. 하여 당신의 이야기를 통하여 대강의 내용은 알수있으나 자세한것은 알수없습니다. 다행히 @jakeminlim님이 서울에 거주한다니 그를 만나서 이야기하면 좋을것 같습니다. 앞으로 그를 통해서 많은 이야기를 나눌수 있기를 기대 합니다. 감사합니다.
I met the Korean delegation to Steemfest4, here in Bangkok, and spoke with their one member who spoke English - sadly, do not recall his username.
They expressed many of the same concerns that I had written about, but they fell on deaf ears. There is no point being tribal about platforms as every fork expresses their own ideas - I just think there must be solutions to the various problems thrown up by how Steem evolved. I am glad that we are able to seek fresh solutions, be it Blurt or the further evolution of Blurt :-)
Regarding setting up a meeting, I am in Hanoi now.
I imagine that we could set up a Google meet or zoom call and one of our community members like @jakemlim would be happy to translate.
For an in person meeting right now to come here from Korea you have to quarantine for two weeks. There is a Korean community here and we could probably find someone who could translate. Just the kongguksu is much better in Seoul.
When covid is a little less, I would love to visit you and @jakemlim and any other Korean community members who would like to get to know one another. I got the chance to have kalbi with Jake in Seoul, we had a great time! Also as I drink more, my Korean language skills improve... At least that is my perception.
I am happy you want to see blurt succeed. Blurt succeeding doesn't mean steem and hive fail, we are strange siblings of some kind. 90% same DNA in fact.
We can walk down different roads and hopefully all do great things and maybe one day have a steem derived blockchain Meetup lol.
Point is, I look forward to speaking with you too, and am happy to make arrangements for you to come here (we need to show there is a business reason, then government will allow it) or me to come there, and if we should wait for covid to stop, we can set up a call and ask one of our friends to translate.
We are lucky to have so many good friends from these blockchains.
나는 작년 11월 인도네시아에 https://www.steemzzang.com/ 유저를 만나러 갔었습니다. 그때 귀국하면서 하노이에서도 3일간 머무르며 스티미 안을 만났습니다. 그리고 올 2월에도 하노이를 방문했습니다.
코로나가 아니었으면 지난여름에 방문을 또 했을 겁니다.
나는 당신과 소통할 수 있다는 생각에 기대가 큽니다.
나 역시 당신의 생각에 동의합니다.
블러트의 성공은 스팀의 성공이라고도 생각합니다.
함께 성장하는 모습을 보기를 원하며 우리 모두가 그것을 위하여 노력할 수 있다는데 행복감을 느낍니다.
또한 당신이 한국에 정서를 이해하는 글로벌 인재라 우린 이야기가 잘 통할 거 같습니다.
블러트를 위하여 혼신의 힘을 기울여주는 당신과 운영진들에게 감사의 마음을 전합니다.
당신의 답변에 감사드립니다.
최선을 다하여 투명하게 하겠다는데 투명성이 뭘 의미하는지 모르겠네요.
블록체인이니 당연히 코인의 흐름의 투명성은 담보된다고 봅니다.
그런데 왜 그렇게 흘러가는가의 문제입니다.
쓰임의 문제라고 생각합니다.
몇몇 사람들에게 많은 양의 블러트가 꾸준하게 흘러가고 있으며
또한 거래소로도 많은 양의 블러트가 흘러갑니다.
블록체인은 어느 개인의 소유물이 아니라고 생각합니다.
우리 모두의 것이라고 생각합니다.
앞서 님이 말한 것처럼 투명성이란 흐름의 이유를 밝히는 것이라 생각합니다.
나의 이야기는 시비를 하겠다는 것이 아니니 오해는 없기 바랍니다.
누구보다도 블러트가 성공적인 길로 굳건하게 가기를 바라는 사람으로 하는 이야기입니다.
나는 당신과 많은 이야기를 나누고 싶습니다.
그러나 불행하게도 나는 모국어인 한국어만 할 줄 압니다.
그렇다고 당신과 블러트의 관 한 대화를 하는데 두려워하거나 회피하지는 않을 겁니다.
당신은 유능한 사람이기에 내가 하고자 하는 이야기의 핵심을 잘 이해를 잘하리라 봅니다.
기회가 된다면 만나서 이야기하는 것도 좋을 것이라 봅니다.
그런 날을 기대 합니다.
We can use translation as we are doing now, and I do not mind.
Ok so the blurt coming from initblurt to individuals, is payment for work. @megadrive will publish an accounting report for transparency at some point but the basic easy version of the story is that we have a few coders @ericet @eastmael @yehey and sorry if I missed someone-- if blurt flows to them from initblurt, it is because they are actively contributing to blurt the platform.
@rycharde is our mathematician and researcher. He is teaching me group theory and how it can be used to model and develop distributed systems, and is exactly the kind of proactive person we needed on the team. One of his work products will be a dramatic simplification of the math that drives blurt and a (~50%?) reduction in the amount of active code we run. That reduces attack surface, which is something we as a community need to be very concerned with.
The immediate result of his work is an expansion in my and other teammates ability to comprehend and develop Blurt, as well as in depth articles on serious issues about the reward pool. He and I believe it can be saved instead of going the way of whaleshares, where the reward pool was eliminated.
His work is likely to result in powerful changes on blurt in the next six months and may also inform the design of systems in the 500 family of blockchains.
Doesn't exactly mean they are employed either. Folks work on what they think needs working on, and I like that.
The blurt coming from initblurt and going to exchanges, is for two purposes --
rather elementary market making (we aren't very good at it yet and do not have an automated system but @beerchemist has advised us on where liquidity should be applied in the order books, and we haven't fully implemented his advice, but will). This blurt isn't intended to be bought or sold, but instead help capitalize old and new order books alike.
sell to get btc for new exchange listings - best example of this is probit. They wanted 1.5 btc so we let users know we were selling 1.5 btc worth of blurt to execute the listing. We did this for stex ($3000) and beldex ($1000) as well.
I think that is everything. In blurts beginning I was the only capital investor, to the amount of about $5000. @megadrive later agreed to share that cost with me, making us 50/50 partners..... And his work, demeanor and character make him the best partner I've had in crypto. Blurt would not be the same, or maybe even would not have launched if it were not for his patient and sustained work.
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 @megadrive 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
We call initblurt "the shart". Maybe the translator won't translate shart well, so, forgive my rudeness here:
We referred to the stinc accounts as a fart, and built a ventilation system to suck the bad smell out of the air, so we can breathe fresh.
The ventilation system (it is a real thing -- actual software built by @baabeetaa and configured by me) compressed the fart into a shart, and contained the shart in the initblurt account. And here is where it gets rude... A shart is when well, you think you just need to fart but... Also get some 💩💩💩 shit+fart=shart.
And the fact is that the shart is what has supported blurt so far.
Currently we are spending more from the shart than the shart grows in monthly staking reward, and most of that has gone to exchange listings and "wages".
Early on we spoke of a blurt foundation and sometimes we still use those words but there is no entity anywhere in the world, just a trusted relationship between @megadrive and I.
And goals.
At this time the shart is functionally his and my property and we administer it on behalf of blurt. Note that I said functionally-- in fact it's not our property.
And we do have a plan for it and we do have a responsibility to the community to community to communicate that plan.
So here goes:
The shart is currently valued at about 1.4m usd, but of course not exactly. It is not super liquid (semi serious joke: you ever have a semi liquid shart in your pants? 💩😂) meaning that even if we wanted to (we do not want to) we could not dump the shart and run off with $1.4m. So the shart has a mainly notional value.
At current prices, the shart will be used only to pay expenses and nothing more.
If/When the shart is worth $18,000,000+, he and I personally intend to (over months and not suddenly) recover about $1,000,000 each which will be put aside for our families. We both have kids and so we both must work in other roles currently to ensure our families well being.
With deep financial security, that would change and we could work together full time on building value for the community with a fairly unconventional play.
The remainder of the shart (at minimum $16,000,000 of value but maybe more) will somehow be made into an investment vehicle/tool for the development of open technologies.
It will be invested directly in projects and they will have no need for incorporation or ties to venture capital or the state. And returns on these investments will by some yet to be determined with precision approach be tied back to the blurt community. But we aren't a fund. Just a big experiment.
This is our desired direction and of course there are risks and we could fail. I make no promises whatsoever about the future price of blurt and remind our gentle users that this is an experimental software project that could explode at any second, for any reason or without reason.
With that disclaimer stated, everything above is our direction and plan and we will work toward it. Just please know that you must not treat blurt like some kind of fund, it simply is not.
It is an oddity in the world caused by a big and urgent need for a change in governance on steem, a platform and idea and community I loved, identified by @birdinc, coded largely by @baabeetaa and maintained and administered by @megadrive and I.
The plan may change but the goals will not.
The $5000 megadrive and I split did not have any fixed return or number of tokens attached to it. We both got into that knowing it was super high risk but wanted to see this happen.
And guess what?
For me, it was the cheapest education -- or most cost effective I have ever had.
If blurt explodes tomorrow and not a cent returns to me it was still great value for money.
나는 당신의 이야기를 모두 완벽하게 이해 하지는 못했습니다. 구글 번역기를 통하여 어느정도는 이해하였으나 한계가 있으며 경우에 따라서는 잘못된 번역으로 인하여 문제를 만들거나 오해가있을수있음을 잘 알고있습니다. 하여 당신의 이야기를 통하여 대강의 내용은 알수있으나 자세한것은 알수없습니다. 다행히 @jakeminlim님이 서울에 거주한다니 그를 만나서 이야기하면 좋을것 같습니다. 앞으로 그를 통해서 많은 이야기를 나눌수 있기를 기대 합니다. 감사합니다.
공개된 게시판/댓글창에서 개인 정보를 공유하기가 부적합한 것으로 판단되어 아래 홈페이지에 등록된 이메일로 연락처를 전달 주실 수 있으실까요?
Make sure to eat something good with jake, and tell us about it. I miss Korean food.
잘 알겠습니다.
I met the Korean delegation to Steemfest4, here in Bangkok, and spoke with their one member who spoke English - sadly, do not recall his username.
They expressed many of the same concerns that I had written about, but they fell on deaf ears. There is no point being tribal about platforms as every fork expresses their own ideas - I just think there must be solutions to the various problems thrown up by how Steem evolved. I am glad that we are able to seek fresh solutions, be it Blurt or the further evolution of Blurt :-)
Regarding setting up a meeting, I am in Hanoi now.
I imagine that we could set up a Google meet or zoom call and one of our community members like @jakemlim would be happy to translate.
For an in person meeting right now to come here from Korea you have to quarantine for two weeks. There is a Korean community here and we could probably find someone who could translate. Just the kongguksu is much better in Seoul.
When covid is a little less, I would love to visit you and @jakemlim and any other Korean community members who would like to get to know one another. I got the chance to have kalbi with Jake in Seoul, we had a great time! Also as I drink more, my Korean language skills improve... At least that is my perception.
I am happy you want to see blurt succeed. Blurt succeeding doesn't mean steem and hive fail, we are strange siblings of some kind. 90% same DNA in fact.
We can walk down different roads and hopefully all do great things and maybe one day have a steem derived blockchain Meetup lol.
Point is, I look forward to speaking with you too, and am happy to make arrangements for you to come here (we need to show there is a business reason, then government will allow it) or me to come there, and if we should wait for covid to stop, we can set up a call and ask one of our friends to translate.
We are lucky to have so many good friends from these blockchains.
나는 작년 11월 인도네시아에 https://www.steemzzang.com/ 유저를 만나러 갔었습니다. 그때 귀국하면서 하노이에서도 3일간 머무르며 스티미 안을 만났습니다. 그리고 올 2월에도 하노이를 방문했습니다.
코로나가 아니었으면 지난여름에 방문을 또 했을 겁니다.
나는 당신과 소통할 수 있다는 생각에 기대가 큽니다.
나 역시 당신의 생각에 동의합니다.
블러트의 성공은 스팀의 성공이라고도 생각합니다.
함께 성장하는 모습을 보기를 원하며 우리 모두가 그것을 위하여 노력할 수 있다는데 행복감을 느낍니다.
또한 당신이 한국에 정서를 이해하는 글로벌 인재라 우린 이야기가 잘 통할 거 같습니다.
블러트에서 증인으로 활동하고 있는 jakeminlim 입니다.
현재 코로나로 해외여행이 어려운 점을 고려하면 일차적으로 온라인 미팅을 통해 진행해도 되지 않을까 합니다.
블러트팀과 세부적으로 논의하고자 하는 안건이 있으시다면 저와 직접 만나서 전달이 가능하다는 것을 안내 드리고 싶습니다.
우선 블러트에 대한 이야기를 더 수월하게 진행 할 수 있도록 공식 블러트 디스코드 채널 링크를 아래와 같이 전달 드립니다.
디스코드 방에 들어오신다면, General 방에서 jakeminlim으로 직접 연락 또는 한국말로 저를 찾으시면 바로 연락 드리겠습니다.
블러트 관심과 응원을 진심으로 감사드립니다.
한국어로 소통을 할수있다니 반갑습니다.
jakeminlim께서는 한국에 거주하고 계시나요.
안녕하세요 @steemzzang님,
예, 저는 서울에 거주하고 있습니다. 필요하시면 언제든지 직접 인사드리고 소통이 가능합니다~.
저를 통해 블러트 대표들에게 의사소통을 하셔도 되시고, 아니면 꼭 필요하다고 느끼시면 온라인 미팅으로 제가 통역하면서도 진행할 수 있으니 생태계에 발전에 기여 및 의견을 공유하시고자 원하신다면 편하게 말씀 주세요~.
서울에 거주하신다니 쉬 만나 보고 싶네요.
나는 카톡을 사용하고 그외 것들은 낯이설어서 사용을 안합니다.
카톡 아이디 @12675247 로 소통이 되었으면 좋겠다는 생각을 합니다.
안녕하세요 @steemzzang님,
제가 전달주신 카톡 아이디와 번호 조합으로 카카오톡 친구추가를 여러번 진행하였는데 아이디가 검색되지 않고 있습니다.
공개된 게시판/댓글창에서 개인 정보를 공유하기가 부적합한 것으로 판단되어 아래 홈페이지에 등록된 이메일로 연락처를 전달 주실 수 있으실까요?