New: srpskiAll contentvideoblurtburnbotkractifitartgameszzanphotographylolznewswamblurtgermanr2cornellblurtblockaimusicjapanblurtindiaresearchfeclockHotTrendingNewDAppslighteye in chess • 3 years agoThe Last World Chess Championship Match? [eng/срп] Последњи меч за титулу шампиона света?A shock announcement by Magnus Carlsen that he won’t be playing WCC matches any more… and the possible repercussions.lighteye in photography • 4 years agoMakeMeSmile – Starting a Business? [eng/срп] Измами ми осмех – Започињете посао?If you have so far treated the flea market as a place where only memories and trivial little things can be found, it is time to think again. There are traders here who sell very serious goods……lighteye in makemesmile • 4 years agoMakeMeSmile – Tennis Season Open! [eng/срп] Измами ми осмех – Отворена тениска сезона!By mid-February, we were finally hit by a few sub-zero days. As the weather was not favorable for flea market traders, we will collect rare photos from previous weeks in one of the following posts.…lighteye in bitcoin • 4 years agoBITCOIN: Twelfth Birthday [eng/срп] БИТКОИН: Дванаести рођендан/ Извор: Bitcoin Pizza Index On January 9, the Bitcoin protocol celebrates its twelfth birthday. Let’s see how far we have come over the past 12 years… The first two years passed…lighteye in bitcoin • 4 years agoBITCOIN: Price projection for 2021. [eng/срп] БИТКОИН: Пројекција цене за 2021.Source / Извор: CoinTelegraph The year is at the very end and you can already see the result of my conservative projection of the minimum price of Bitcoin for 2020. In short: the…lighteye in informationwar • 4 years agoScience and ‘Science’ [eng/срп] Наука и ‘наука’Source: DSalud Discovery Since there are people who insist on what only they consider science, it is time to see who is seriously doing a real science and who is a scammer… The…lighteye in informationwar • 4 years agoКоронапревара: Фајзер театарЈуче је и званично започела ментална обрада јавног мњења у Србији да се прими Фајзерова ‘безбедна и ефикасна’ вакцина против наводног коронавируса. Уколико сте у дилеми да ли да примите или не…lighteye in photography • 4 years agoWednesdayWalk – Search for Cinderella [eng/срп] Шетња средом – Потрага за ПепељугомThe walk that day started quite normally for another cold and foggy winter day. And then a very unusual event happened because of which I had to change my plan… It’s hard to imagine exciting…lighteye in news • 4 years agoBITCOIN: The Greatest Hardware Wallet Problem [eng/срп] БИТКОИН: Највећи проблем власника хардверских новчаникаКако се заштитити од напада француским кључем? Source / Извор: CasaBlog The biggest problem of hardware wallet owners is the problem of security in the narrowest sense of the word: it is…lighteye in news • 4 years agoCoronavirus Hoax: USA and Spain Stats [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Статистика из САД и ШпанијеGovernment of Spain, Ministry of Health First they scared you with fake photos of coffins and hospital from Italy, without telling you what the official mortality statistics in Italy look…lighteye in informationwar • 4 years agoКоронапревара: ‘Здравствене мере’ и Кока-кола позитивна на корону!Срби стварно имају разлога да славе владу која тако несебично брине о њиховом здрављу. Тек што смо сазнали да је влада одредила ‘здравствено’ поскупљење фаличних ПЦР тестова са шест на девет…