New: sportsAll contentburnbotvideokrblurtactifitartzzannewsgameslolzblurtgermanr2cornellphotographywamblurtblockaimusicblurtindiamemeblurtlifeblurthispanoHotTrendingNewDAppscryptoyzzyblurt in blurt-192372 • 1 hour agoBMXSalut à tous, un jour je me promenait dans le parc Paul Mistral à Grenoble, un grand espace de verdure en plein centre ville ou trône la flamme olympique des JO de 1969. Dans un coin du parc…cryptospa in actifit • 8 hours agoMy Actifit Report Card: March 9 2025Dear Actifitters, hodl! I hope you had a great weekend! Sunday was a sunny day: During the whole day I attended the European wrestling championship: That's it for now. Thank you…dejan.vuckovic in actifit • 8 hours agoActifit Report and call for supporting Serbian fight for democracy!!Another virus day. The good news is that I did one walk today and I felt very strong. True, after the walk I needed tea and rest, but I am definitely recovering. I hope to start light training in…filosof103 in actifit • yesterdayMein Actifit-Bericht: März 10 2025Hallo Sportfreunde. Ziemlich früh mussten wir heute unsere erste tägliche Gassi-Runde hinter uns bringen. Noch ist es dunkel aber dafür der ☕☕☕ fertig. Startet gut in den Tag und bleibt…dejan.vuckovic in actifit • 2 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: March 9 2025The third day that the virus is breaking me. Today I barely walked and literally accumulated 10,000 steps. The will is there, but the body simply does not have the strength. The good news is that…cryptospa in actifit • 2 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: March 8 2025Hodl, dear Actifitters! I hope you are doing well! On Saturday in the morning I travelled to Skopje, Macedonia. I arrived there at about noon: Had a cup of coffee ☕: And then I went…filosof103 in actifit • 2 days agoMein Actifit-Bericht: März 9 2025Hallo Sportfreunde. Überall erwachen und sprießen die Knospen. Manche noch zaghaft und andere geben mehr Gas. Auch die tägliche Aktivität und auch die tägliche Gassi-Runde sind wieder…dejan.vuckovic in actifit • 3 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: March 9 2025Yep, unfortunately it's a virus. I was hoping to push through the training period without such distractions, but it is what it is. So far, I'm holding up pretty well, because despite my illness…zahidsun in sports • 3 days agoIndia won the ICC Champions Trophy, 2025 final by 4 wickets.source The Final Match of the ICC Champions Trophy, 2025 was played today between India and New Zealand, at Dubai International Cricket Stadium, Dubai. In which India won the final by 4…filosof103 in actifit • 3 days agoMein Actifit-Bericht: März 8 2025Hallo Sportfreunde. Nur ein paar Tage Sonne sind nötig, damit Blumen und Pflanzen sich zeigen: Während die ersten bereits die Köpfe rausstrecken brauchen die anderen noch etwas Zeit…cryptospa in actifit • 4 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: March 7 2025Hodl, dear Actifitters! I hope you are doing well! Friday was a super busy day at work. In the evening, after work, I travelled to Sofia: That's it for now. Thank you for stopping by…argenvista in deportes • 4 days agoFormula 1 marks its 75th Anniversary: Striking body designs for the 2025 season revealedFórmula 1 conmemora su 75 Aniversario: presentaciones de los diseños de carrocería llamativos para la temporada 2025dejan.vuckovic in actifit • 4 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: March 7 2025I think some virus has attacked me, my throat and nose are blocked and I don't feel well. I should be resting, but it's finally sunny and 19 degrees outside. I know I will regret this decision…filosof103 in actifit • 4 days agoMein Actifit-Bericht: März 7 2025Hallo Sportfreunde. Während die einen noch im Winterschlaf sind, versuchen die anderen ganz zaghaft wach zu werden 😁😁😁 Der Winter hat ausgedient und die Natur erwacht wieder. Auch unser…cryptospa in actifit • 5 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: March 6 2025Hodl, dear Actifitters! I hope you are having a great week! Thursday was a very busy day at work. Nevertheless during the lunch break I went to the lake: And had a stroll there: In…filosof103 in actifit • 5 days agoMein Actifit-Bericht: März 6 2025Hallo Sportfreunde. Ich habe mein Training in Bezug auf die Liegestützen seit gut 1 Jahr völlig vernachlässigt, bzw. ausgesetzt.☹️☹️☹️ Natürlich gibt es dafür "reichlich" Gründe 😂😉 Aber ich…dejan.vuckovic in actifit • 6 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: March 5 2025Recovery day with only 10.000 steps but enough for a new badge 😃 This report was published via Actifit app ( Android | iOS ). Check out the original version here on actifit.iocryptospa in actifit • 6 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: March 5 2025Hodl, dear Actifitters! I hope you are doing well! Wednesday was a busy day at work. Nevertheless, in the first half day I had a stroll in the city: In the evening, after work, I went to…filosof103 in actifit • 6 days agoMein Actifit-Bericht: März 5 2025Hallo Sportfreunde. Überall hört man Gartenarbeitsgeräusche 😂😁😉 Laut oder leise - ob Akku oder Benzinmotor. Man kann den Eindruck gewinnen, dass der Winter regelrecht weggejagt wird 🤣🤣🤣…cryptospa in actifit • 7 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: March 4 2025Hodl, dear Actifitters! I hope you are doing well! Tuesday was a very busy work day. In the evening I had a stroll in the neighboring city: That's it for now. Thank you for stopping by…