New: psychologicalAll contentvideoburnbotkrblurtactifitartnewsgamesr2cornellblurtgermanzzanphotographyaimusicblurtblockmemelolzwamblurtlifeblurtindiablurtafricaHotTrendingNewDAppsbabyt in children • 7 months agoThe Hidden Dangers of Emotional and Psychological Abuse in Childhood.source The term "emotional and psychological abuse" refers to parental, caregiver, or other important people in a child's life acting in ways that negatively affect the child's mental health.…babyt in addiction • 9 months agoEmbracing Self-Discovery Through Understanding Addictive Personality Disordersource I would enjoy your company as I embark on a voyage of self-discovery and share the lessons that have led me to this point in my life, having just experienced the most terrible experience…bonyenglucero in psychological • 2 years agoPsychological Facts About Quite People!•Quiet people behind their calm exterior, active inner world, brimming with thoughts, ideas, and vivid imagination. -Better the power of silence, and allowing others to express themselves without…cloudblade in cn • 2 years ago你的年终奖金有多少?你的年终奖金有多少? 今天是新年初三,于几天前,就有人陆续回家了,大家聊到了年终奖金,大家几乎都只拿到一两个月,只有一人暴高,说拿了三十六个月 ... 为何差距如此之大?敝人认为是工作性质的不同 ... 纯做工的,不影响公司营利的,年终奖金就只有少少的一两个月 ...…mrs.jamirul in instablurt • 3 years agoPsychological issuesHello my beautiful blurt Community, a pleasure to greet you and wish you a wonderful . And I hope that happy mood still exists among you. Sometimes even ordinary things can become extraordinary.…cloudblade in cn • 4 years ago宝宝的第三次心理成长当宝宝渐渐地长大之后 会发现宝宝的心理 有了第三次的改变 那就是 勇敢地说 "不" "不要" 看到宝宝好可爱 想抱抱 对着宝宝说 : 宝宝来, 抱抱 宝宝说 : "不" "不要" 这个时候 我都是抱起来, 然后说: 宝宝乖, 爷爷抱抱 这时我的心理成长就是 宝宝开始傲娇了 我是不理会他的 照抱 哈~~哈~哈~哈cloudblade in cn • 4 years ago剧透的阴影面积剧透的阴影面积 昨晚在看连续剧的时候 家里的人 对于剧情的走向 吵了起来 如果你已得知剧情的走向 故意告诉别人 这个叫做 "剧透" 若不知道剧情的走向 单纯的是用猜的 这个叫做 "抓虾" 在抓虾的时候 有人会按照自己的喜好来抓 有人会按照逻辑性来抓 按照自己的喜好来抓的人 往往是死粉 没有自己的见解 他以为自己很有主见 其实他是没有主见的…