New: policeAll in blurt-170011 • 27 days ago$2.5M in Crypto Assets Seized in Thai Scam RaidTwo Chinese nationals were arrested in Thailand on Feb. 5, after a joint Thai-Chinese operation seized $2.5 million in USDT and other assets worth over $100,000. Scam Masterminds Linked to Human…mariuszkarowski in blurt-174103 • 3 months agoUnofficial NWO AnthemThe Policegeneeverett in music • 3 months agoSeventies Sunday! Songs From 1978 & 1979 🎸 The Police Band Picks!On this DailyJam Sunday morning we are picking songs from the first police records. Released in 1978 “ Outlandos d'Amour” was there first album! We pick both our DailyJams from this record. Ashlee…joeyarnoldvn in swat • 9 months ago2024-05-28Hard times create strong men who create good times who create weak men... Go Back Trolls Oatmeal Daily - 2024-05-28 - Tuesdayjoeyarnoldvn in reviews • 2 years ago2023-04-22Arresting Oatmeal: The Case Against Oatmeal Introduction Video. Boy Oatmeal Wolf. Is Oatmeal The Boy Who Cried Wolf? Or is Oatmeal The Wolf? LeeAnn Star, Pride Month is DEMON and…cloudblade in cn • 2 years ago两百名警察算少吗两百名警察算少吗 韩国发生重大推挤和踩踏事件, 导致死亡百余人, 百姓们指骂当天的梨泰院万圣节活动, 只有两百名警察在场, 但现场人数却是超过了十万人, 因警察人数不足, 导致一条宽度不到四公尺的巷弄, 人与人都挤在了一起, 方发生此事故 真的是警察人数太少吗? 敝人认为, 并不是, 而是警察没有管控好进入的人数, 或者说警察压根就没有在管控人潮 我参与过许多的大型活动…kenny-crane in hive-193552 • 2 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: October 6 2022 - I'll Be Watching YouEvery Breath You Take was a huge hit by The Police some decades ago. Some thought this was a love song but it could also be about a stalker. Or about government spying on people. But yesterday it…cloudblade in cn • 2 years ago被警察给丢包在铁轨上被警察给丢包在铁轨上 根据新闻报导,本月16日的晚间,美国科罗拉多州有一名二十岁的女子冈萨雷斯,因为涉嫌「路怒事件」,遭到警方逮捕,被警察给铐上手铐后押上警车,而此时的警车是停在铁路平交道上 ... 警员们在搜查冈萨雷斯的汽车期间,一辆火车高速的撞上了警车,将车子给拖行了数公尺,造成冈萨雷斯多数骨头断裂和严重擦挫伤 ... 若是火车翻覆的话,伤亡的数目可就大了!…cloudblade in cn • 3 years ago警察都在打混摸鱼吗警察都在打混摸鱼吗 最近和亲戚们聚餐,其中有一位亲戚,她的姪女去城里打工,却是失去了踪影,报警一年多都没有找到人 后来打听到,有人说在本地的城市,夜店里遇到过她,似乎在做公关经理 亲戚跑了好几个派出所,横跨数个公安局,想说这个部门不处理,总有部门会帮处理的吧 在弃而不舍的奔波之下,遇到一位好心的女民警,她说动了局长,局长又去说动了市长,结果发动了一波大规模的扫黑扫黄行动…cloudblade in cn • 3 years ago中国爆发村镇级银行弊案和流血冲突!在2022年4月18日,中国的河南省,禹州新民生、上蔡惠民、柘城黄淮、开封新东方等数家村镇级的银行,陆续地关闭了网路提款、转帐等功能,导致近40万名储户无法提款,涉及金额达400亿人民币,且除了河南省之外,据说安徽省亦有类似的状况 ... 企图讨款的储户,受到了多方的打压,甚至遭到官方以防疫工具「健康码」来将闹事者给拘捕隔离,就是官方将你的「健康码」从绿灯给改成红灯 ...…makeitrain4ever in nigeria • 3 years agoNigerian Police Force? So much for a reputation in the mud.This is the least controversial thing you will read today about our Policemen.geekpranee in blurt • 3 years agoAfter all the hardships she made her life successfulAt the maximum of trust..... This lady, Annie Shiva. Imagine, you're at least 18 years old girl. You fall in love with a boy, marry him and start living with him against your parents' will. You…cloudblade in en • 3 years ago德州小学生被枪杀,警方不作为德州小学生被枪杀,警方不作为 新闻报导,美国德州发生一件惨剧,在一座小学之内,有一位歹徒持枪入侵校园,数十余位小学生与老师们被歹徒给堵在教室之内... 当局表示,于教室内的学生,前前后后拨出了近十通求救电话,校外也聚集了不少的家长们,而现场的员警却是阻止家长们进入,直到近1个小时之时,才发起攻坚并击毙歹徒... 最后,造成教室内的19名学童和2名教师丧生 ...…phusionphil in covid-19 • 3 years agoCovid-19 Vaccine Crimes Against Humanity Brought Before PoliceLegal action starting to take place to hold those responsible for the covid-19 misanthropy accountable.bitcoinnews24 in police • 4 years agoVictoria’s Cyber Crime Division Seizes a Record Amount of CryptocurrencyPolice in Victoria has seized what they believe is the largest amount of crypto ever by Australian police. Victorian detectives seized around $8.5 million in cryptocurrency tied to online drug…cloudblade in cn • 4 years ago钓鱼执法钓鱼执法 今天看到一则新闻 有警察暗中躲在车子不远处 车子的窗户没关 钥匙也插在上面 车内椅子上也放了不少的东西 警察就躲在远远处 然后有人走过去的时候 伸手打开车门 拿走车内的东西 当场被警察抓走 那人不服上诉 结果被法官查出来是警察钓鱼执法 原来那车子是酒驾犯的车子 酒驾犯被抓走了 车子留在现场 照理说, 警察应该把车子开走才对 结果却躲在旁边…cloudblade in cn • 4 years ago警匪一家親警匪一家親 常言道, 有門路的當警, 沒門路的當匪. 勝者為王, 敗者為寇. 警匪在出道前, 本質上, 是一個樣的, 而出道之後, 近墨者黑, 踏入黑道的, 大都變成了無惡不作, 但踏入警界的, 卻不見得個個公正不阿 ! 這就是人性, 從惡者如流, 能從善者如稀. 人從惡往往於一夕之間, 從善卻可能要數年的勸導規化. 許多警察, 在同一管區當久了…suuui in blurtrides • 4 years agoAt the sound of the bike, the locals snatched the bike and the police seized 8,500 rupeesImage source Bike distraction However, the Haryana Police has recently brought to light an issue which, if known, may be a little restrained by today's biker heroes. The silencer pipe is a very… in blurtindia • 4 years agoDelhi Cop Seema Dhaka found 76 Missing ChildrenToday i am sharing a news of a Delhi Cop Seema Dhaka who has found around 76 missing children. Source Seema was posted as a Head Constable at NW Delhi in Samaypur Badli Police Station. She…