New: pencilAll contentkrvideoblurtactifitburnbotartzzangamesphotographynewsblurtgermanlolzr2cornellblurtblockwamblurtindiaresearchfeclockjapanblurthispanoHotTrendingNewDAppspuspasari75 in blurt-192372 • 3 days agoPensil warnaPrnsil dan spidol warna yang ada di rak pada toko yang menjual alat tulis. Keduanya di gunakan untuk mewarnai gambar dan dapat juga membuat tulisan yang berwarna. Warnanya banyak macamnya…lanefrog in art • 2 months agoColor Pencil & PenSketching as the foundation of my art journey aligns nicely with my architectural design practice because both rely on the same fundamental principles of visualization, exploration, and…puspasari in blurt • 5 months agoPensilPensil dengan dua warna yang berbeda, yang satu berwarna putih dan satunya lagi berwarna merah muda. Pensil yang bagus dan pastinya disukai anak-anak . Apalagi demgan bentuknya berbeda daro yang…luluwinda in blurt • 6 months agoPensil warnaPensil warna yang terdiri dari 12 macam warna pensil yang berbeda. Dan masih rapi di dalam kotaknya , sehingga terhindar dari debu Pensil warna yang lebih kecil ukurannya. Pensil warna ini…puspasari75 in blurt • 8 months agoPensil warnaPensil warna yang bermacam warnanya. Pensil warna yang dan kecil dan juga berwarna menarik serta cerah Beberapa kotak pensil warna yang ada pada sebuah toko. Pensil warna tersebut disusun rapi…puspasari75 in blurt • 8 months agoPensilPensil berwarna warni yang di simpan dalam toples bening. Ini untuk menghindari adanya debu dan kotoran Pensil ini merupakan pensil statis yang dapat diisi ulang. Pensil yang tidak repot…puspasari75 in blurt • 10 months agoPensil dan penghapusAda dua alat tulis yang diletakkan di lantai yaitu pensil dan penghapus. Kedua alat tulis yang banyak dimiliki. Kedua alat tulis terutama dibuuhkan oleh para pelajar. Sebagai pelengkap alat…bluesky01 in blurt • last yearPulpen dan pensilPulpen dan pensil adalah alat tulis yang samgat diperlukan dan harus dimiliki. Apalagi pulpen yang banyak digunakan. Pensil juga digunakan banyak orang. Keduanya berfungsi untuk menulis Pensil…sandeep126 in artwork • 2 years agoThe story of toilet paper - artworkpaper artworkproteen in life • 2 years agoA Simple Paper and Pencil Temperament TestUsing a paper and pencil test to measure your personality is not as easy as it sounds. Developing a good one is a matter of a bit of research, a plethora of tests, and a bit of trial and error. But…besticofinder in art • 3 years agoArtssource source source source sourcedegentleman in pencil • 3 years agoDRAWING WITH PENCILSWhen I make portraits with pencil I feel submerged in the art it is an art I had inclinations for right from childhood but had been unable to harness it until sometimes last two years when I decided…inah in photography • 3 years agoThe color beauty of a pencilGood morning my friends in the #photography community, today I want to share my post about a pencil. Previously I wanted to tell a little about me today, this morning I woke up so late because…daisyphotography in art • 3 years agoMy latest drawing … Wolf - ma'iinganMy latest pencil drawing from my Indigenous Art and History class… Wolf - The Ojibwe People’s Dictionary: wolf ma'iingan na a wolf [timberwolf / gray wolf; Canis lupus] black wolf…afsana003 in instablurt • 3 years agoQuick Study of FigureIf the whole of nature is taken as a canvas, then its painter is God. There is an artistic feeling in all the creations of God. The painters realized this very well when they went to draw this…afsana003 in art • 3 years agoA Sketch of Leafy BushesThe leaves are a very beautiful symbol of nature and the change of seasons. When you look at the leaves, you can see that the outlines of some leaves are very simple and the outlines of some leaves…afsana003 in art • 4 years agoLine DrawingHey everyone! I hope you all well.An important aspect of drawing is line drawing. The beauty of the drawing depends on the line. Therefore, in the case of drawing, special importance should be…darakshan in blurtart • 4 years agoBeautiful Lady , SketchGood evening to all I am here with my first contribution on @blurtart. As I mentioned in my introduction post that one of my hobby is sketching and drawing. I am sharing my first sketch on…brian.rrr in work • 4 years agoSustainable PencilHi Friends, I was recently attending a virtual conference and they sent me a physical promotional package in the mail to go with the conference. Some things were pretty standard, such as a…