New: legalAll in blurt-170011 • 28 days agoRoger Ver’s Legal Battle Intensifies as Spain Denies Appeal, Trump Urged to ActSpain has denied Roger Ver’s final appeal against extradition, paving the way for his imminent transfer to the United States in a case widely viewed as a government crackdown on financial freedom.…joeyarnoldvn in tiktok • 9 months ago2024-06-02Trump joined TikTok during a UFC fight, this is a big thing. Trump joined TikTok Oatmeal Daily - 2024-06-02 - Sundaydembele in blog • last yearInconsistencies in the legal systemsMultiple factors contribute to the inconsistency prevalent in legal systems. Divergent judicial philosophies, subjective interpretations of legal statutes, varying precedents, and even cultural or…amirl in nsfw • 2 years agonsfw Reveal this post or create an account to save your preferences.blurtyield in crypto • 2 years agoLawyers Feast on FTX CorpseNew Court Filings: FTX Racked Up $19.6 Million in Legal and Financial Advisor Fees in Just 51 Days – What's Going On? Slightly disingenuous title, suggesting such fees relate to the…arabisouri in news • 2 years agoGeneral Amnesty in Syria for All Crimes Committed before YesterdayA new general amnesty was decreed by Syrian President Bashar Assad days before Christmas and New Year, it's coming less than 8 months after the last general amnesty. Thousands of Syrians have…blurtyield in crypto • 2 years agoMarshall Islands Recognises DAO LLCsDAOs recognized as limited liability companies by the Marshall Islands The Republic of the Marshall Islands Formally Recognizes DAO Incorporation “We are in the midst of the blockchain…blurtyield in crypto • 2 years agoCrypto Existential DoubtsBeing a Senator must be one of the biggest blow jobs available, puffing their ego to such heights that there seems little room left for a nervous system to do any actual thinking. US senator:…offgridlife in twitter • 2 years agoElon Musk Tweet : Comedy is now legal on TwitterElon Musk is busy tweeting about Freedom today … Other Tweets: Source:drutter in life • 2 years agoTestament addendum to legal will of Daron RutterThis testament is an addendum to any other will or document, physical or digital, relating to my belongings or estate. In the event of my death, I bequeath and transfer ownership of my Blurt…smithlabs in politics • 3 years agoOur Republic has quietly slid into tyranny, supported by the FBI, SMH!The FGB (formerly FBI) Federal Gestapo Bureau attacked a peaceful compound in Florida, because it is owned by a Conservative! Never before in History has a federal institution preformed such a…cloudblade in cn • 3 years ago著作权著作权包含四大项目, 分别为著作之姓名表示权力, 著作之版权, 著作之财产权, 著作之使用权 ... 著作之姓名表示权, 指的是其创作者, 排在第一的为第一作者, 排在第二的为第二作者, 排越后面的, 代表着在这著作之中, 其份量越低 ... 有时候, 第一作者可能完全没出力, 是作者群基于某些考量, 让他的名字写在第一位的, 那么, 于律法上, 第一作者就是他 ...…smithlabs in second-amendment • 3 years agoResults of unconstitutional executive orders attacking the Second Amendment!As with most liberal policies, the stated goal is never achieved. The recent power grab against the second amendment was planned to stop the Right of people to build their own self defense firearms.…ajerkoff in politics • 3 years agoUnshackled minds - Warsaw - Canada - New ZealandThe photo above is outside parliament in Warsaw. On the right side and near the obligatory statue that governments like to flaunt their wealth via, are 4 marquee style tents. Here is a better…amaterasusolar in sovereignty • 3 years agoWalking the WalkA sovereign's recounting of a dealing with "the system" and how it turned out.puncakbukit in indonesia • 4 years ago【The Conversation】Mengapa El Salvador mengadopsi bitcoin menjadi alat pembayaran yang sah【The Conversation】Mengapa El Salvador mengadopsi bitcoin menjadi alat pembayaran yang sah El Salvador kemungkinan akan menjadi negara pertama di dunia yang mengadopsi bitcoin sebagai alat…cloudblade in cn • 4 years ago法律定义上的「凶宅」法律定义上的「凶宅」 主要定义为: 曾发生凶杀或自杀事件之陈尸处。 跳楼则是该楼层与陈尸地点都算是凶宅, 比如有人从15楼跳下,死在1楼顶的露台,15楼和1楼都算是凶宅。 比如15楼住户遭人砍杀,死者一路逃窜,最后死在不远处的住家,凶宅指的是不远处的住家 (陈尸处)。 所以,发生凶杀或自杀事件时,人不是死在自家,而是死在他处,死者的住家便不算凶宅。cloudblade in cn • 4 years ago路边买早餐被开罚单路边买早餐被开罚单 今天去买早餐的时候 碰到了某人和警察吵架 那个人路边停车 下了车之后 在旁边买早餐 刚好被警察给看到了 警察上前盘问 说你违规停车 然后便开始问一堆 问姓名 问性别 问年龄 问做什么 问姓名 那个都不甩他 回他说我不记得了 我老人痴呆 就买个早餐而已 话说 我也常看到警察路边停车 也常看到送货的在路边停车 他们却可以…joeyarnoldvn in lordsprayer • 4 years ago2021-03-21Restaurant charges customers $50 Face Tax. Obama may someday say, "Hey folks, you can't get me, I'm NOT even American." Is Richard Grenell the first ever temporary acting President of the United…puncakbukit in japanese • 4 years agoなぜ世の中に普及しないのか--ブロックチェーンビジネスの高いハードルブロックチェーンは、日本ブロックチェーン協会(JBA)をはじめ、世界を変える技術であり、巨大なビジネス市場が見込まれます。 ブロックチェーン機能を使用すると、「高い透過性」、「中断の問題」、「24時間運用」など、既存のデータベースで信頼性を確保するための困難な作業を簡単に実行できます。…