The photo above is outside parliament in Warsaw.
On the right side and near the obligatory statue that governments like to flaunt their wealth via, are 4 marquee style tents.
Here is a better photo below.
That was taken at 7am yesterday 21st February 2022 so was taken during the setting up process.
Now you may ask what has this got to do with my title "Warsaw - Canada - New Zealand" and you would be right to ask as much.
This is a sort of protest by the newest Polish political party "POLSKA LIBERALNA STRAJK PRZEDSIĘBIORCÓW " but it is a protest with a difference.
Just like in both New Zealand and Canada it has been setup right outside of parliament. They also have permission to do so. Nothing has been left to chance here. The aim is simple, every single politician inside the parliament has been invited out to talk to these people tomorrow the 23rd.
The new party has no career politicians in it, only entrepreneurs and private business owners, how refreshing.
Now unless you live on Mars I suspect you have seen the lorry/HGV/big-rig protest in Canada. You may not have seen as much coverage about New Zealand though, our man on the ground @frot sent me this yesterday from there.
Political disconnect.
If you watch the video above from New Zealand and or the protests in Canada, you will note alleged leaders stating "they are not willing to talk to or engage with terrorists" - These alleged terrorists are ordinary voters who have a right to a voice. They are people that have lost their jobs due to lock down orders, teachers, nurses, drivers, restaurant/bar owners, all now left with no voice and no right to peacefully protest.
Here during the plandemic there was a vote for what they call elections of government, it was during the 2020 lock downs, everyone was invited to vote, leave their homes, when PIS were re-elected there were huge crowds in Warsaw and a party atmosphere, the crime-minister met the crowds, shook hands, waved, then ordered everyone back into their cave.
Yes they wanted to meet the people then, but not now.
And this is the problem with the current system is it not? They want your votes but not your voice.
So this protest in Warsaw is different, every MP has been invited in a lawful and legal setting, to come and talk to the people they "serve" tomorrow.
I fully expect not a single poli-named tician not to attend, not to come and talk about the rampant inflation. Yes I expect the results to be as much communication between them and us peasants as in both countries named Canada and New Zealand.
I hope I am wrong, in fact I would gladly eat my own hat if they come out and talk to us, I am here, your man on the ground in Poland & I will give you an unbiased coverage, photos and real news tomorrow.
These politicians have a chance to talk to us without calling us names in a well organised setting, legal setting with permits to be there, non-violent, let us see how well they do at following their own rules, we have done this with the maximum respect for local residents, let us see how much respect we get back from police and politicians.
This I am watching with vested interest.
Have a superb day and make a stranger smile.
Police have been weaponised for a reason.
I'm trying to think hard of anything in this soddin world that hasn't been weaponised...
sunrise! That's it - sunrise has not (yet) been turned on the people below it - of course, it does so anyway ;-)
The police van got towed last night, that was fun. :-)

Why? Did it run out of anger?
LOL, they parked where you are not allowed to park, they got served the justice they dish out, nice though watching them grovel to get it back, and fail.
The order followers met their match with other order followers.
That's Gold 🤣
Rough justice 😂
Here in the US they have been attacking half the nation for years calling us deplorables and terrorists. I've read several times in the last few months many left publications stating that if the right wins a majority in the upcoming elections it will be an end to democracy.
Basically translated into this really
It's been clear to me they wish there to be civil wars and martial law for many years, they have just accelerated to warp speed these last two years.
Now everyone who dares notice they are setting up dictatorships and objects is a terrorist.
"TOXIC WHITE MALE SUPREMACY" That does not work here as 99.8% of the population is white, so the race card does not exist here.
Also the amount of "gay" people is almost non-existent so there is another politically correct divide and rule card that is off the table.
I need to eat my hat, loads of politicians came out to speak.
I just shared this link with PhusionPhil. Please save what you can as I'm surprised it hasn't already been deleted. This is a deep dive on these fucking energy weapons they are using on us now.
Horseface flew out of town this morning while 300 riot police were trying to back off the protestors
Just hope she/it is not coming back hey.