Crypto Existential Doubts

in crypto •  2 years ago 

Being a Senator must be one of the biggest blow jobs available, puffing their ego to such heights that there seems little room left for a nervous system to do any actual thinking.

US senator: There's 'no reason why' crypto should exist

“It's not been able to pass the smell test for me. I have not been able to find anybody who's been able to explain to me what's there other than synthetics [...] which means nothing,” he said, adding that:

“The problem is if we regulate it, and I pointed this out to some of the regulators here a week or two ago, if we regulated it, it may give it the ability of people to think it's real.”

But the same can be said for corporate shares - they are nothing, with valuations out of thin air at startup. Indeed, the history of the corporation as legal entity is filled with laws that seek to turn such a synthetic construct into legal personhood, with all the issues that come from being unable to seek compensations or retributions against such a fiction.

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