New: historicalplaceAll contentburnbotvideokrblurtactifitartzzangamesnewsblurtgermanr2cornellphotographylolzwamblurtblockaimusicblurtindiamemeblurtlifejapanHotTrendingNewDAppsmonirrohan in mujibnagar • 2 years agoMujibnagar is a historical place in Bangladesh. Some pictures during the trip to Mujibnagar.Mujibnagar is located in Chuadanga district of Bangladesh. Much history of Bangladesh is associated with this Mujibnagar. The history of Mujibnagar is discussed below. Some historical photography…mrs.jamirul in r2cornell • 3 years agoবাংলাদেশের রাজধানী ঢাকার ধানমন্ডি লেকের সৌন্দর্যআমার আজকের এই ছবিগুলো বাংলাদেশের রাজধানী ঢাকার ধানমন্ডি লেকের দৃশ্য। ধানমন্ডির ভিআইপি আবাসিক এলাকাকে ঘিরে রয়েছে এই লেক। এই লেকটি প্রাথমদিকে ঢাকার কাওরান বাজার নদীর একটি পরিত্যক্ত খাল ছিল…tanishka in blurtindia • 4 years agoBeautiful palace Hawa Mahal in IndiaIt was inbuilt 1799 by Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh. Outside this five-storey building, honeycomb of an equivalent size is additionally attached and therefore the palace also has 953 small windows…tanishka in blurtindia • 4 years agoGreat Stupa of Sanchi In INDIASanchi doesn't require any introduction. It's already marked together of the foremost important places in India. This place speaks of Buddhism, and may be a small village, located about 52…tanishka in blurtindia • 4 years agoVirupaksha Temple In INDIAOur India is a beautiful country. There are many historical places here which are written in golden letters on the pages of history. Credit Today I will talk about one of the historical…tanishka in blurtindia • 4 years agoHistorical Ajanta and Ellora Caves in INDIACredit The time is 1819. The Indian subcontinent was then under British rule. On that occasion, various British merchants, officials and tourists would go on exciting adventures in different parts…tanishka in blurtindia • 4 years agoHistorical place Qutub Mibar in INDIAThe city of Delhi you recognize today wasn't like that within the past. Delhi was created with seven areas of seven different rulers. Although there are seven areas by name, its collective size is…