New: buddhaAll contentburnbotkrblurtzzanactifitgamesblurtgermanresearchartphotographyvideonewsbeblurtblurtblockblurtographyblurthispanobloghealthr2cornellconspiracyHotTrendingNewDAppsoffgridlife in blurt-136454 • 11 months agoThe “Quotes” Community on BlurtA place to share your favourite Quotes. Words of Wisdom. Join : In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not…cloudblade in cn • 2 years ago接引与准提接引与准提 在中国的神话故事之中 道教中的接引道人与准提道人前往西方 在西方创立了西方教 两人乃是西方教的大教主和二教主 西方教在后来演变成了佛教 接引道人成了如来佛 而准提道人就是孙悟空的师傅菩提祖师 在西游记中 菩提祖师隐居于西牛贺洲[1]灵台方寸山斜月三星洞,菩提祖师只用了三年的时间,就教会了孙悟空长生不老术、七十二变和筋斗云,然后将孙悟空给赶出了山门…cloudblade in cn • 2 years ago佛跳墙其实是大锅菜佛跳墙其实是大锅菜 「佛跳墙」是著名的闽菜,常被喻为闽菜之首,其实佛跳墙的料理方法,类似于大锅菜,就是把杂七杂八、各种不同的食材和佐料等等,都给放入绍酒坛中,先以旺火烧沸,再以文火慢煨 ... 所以,人人会做佛跳墙、但要做出好吃又美味的佛跳墙,就很看功力了 ... 比如选用哪些食材,放入绍酒坛中的顺序,彼此间的比例,用火的控制,食材之处理方式,等等,影响都很大 ...…samstonehill in buddhism • 2 years agoWhy is Christianity the number one religion when Buddhism is so much more powerful?I came across a book for children recently called Prince Siddhartha which tells the life story of Buddha and aside from being profoundly moved by it I noted how much more powerful it was than the…cloudblade in cn • 3 years ago放下屠刀,立地成佛这是一句俗语,意思是说,放下杀生的念头,佛门就会收你 ... 佛门戒律,四大皆空,即戒酒色财气 ... 一个在过去,胡作非为,滥杀无辜的人,能够因为放下屠刀,就立地成佛吗? 这种人,在佛教中不少,各个都是强人,不是个人武力高强,就是拥有庞大的势力,入了佛教,大都是佛教护法,或称佛教护法神,职责为保护各大寺庙,就是保安 ...…offgridlife in blurtmusic • 3 years agoBlurtmusic Holiday Playlist: Vesak, Buddha Purnima is on May 16Vesak May 16, celebrates Buddha’s birth… Buddha Purnima is on May 16 this year (in India and Nepal) or May 19 (for those in Southeast Asian countries). Here are 10 of the most inspirational…besticofinder in buddha • 3 years agoHabit of doubtHabit of doubt source There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant…besticofinder in buddha • 3 years agoThe Path Poem by Gautama Buddhasource Follow this path, and Mara will be confused. If you follow this path, you will end your suffering. This path was preached by me when I became aware of the removal of the thorns. You…offgridlife in blurtmusic • 3 years agoLola and the Buddha Videos.On our walk yesterday Lola discovered the Buddha… Here is the short film … I filmed this my iPhone XR and made this YouTube Short with a beautiful song by Mason Jennings. I love you and…cloudblade in cn • 4 years ago南无南无 天道之中, 每一则天道都有可能孕育出一方精神世界, 俗称之为 "神界" . 天之大道不知何几, 以 "三千大世界" 称之. 天之小道更是无以计数, 亦言之 "三千小世界". 诸 "佛界" 皆为大道, 其所属的小道, 俗称之为 "佛国" , 有如地上的砂砾, 多的不可胜数. 佛界之神道规则为 "南无" . "南无" , 类似于是语助词…cloudblade in cn • 4 years ago农历7月农历7月 中国人视农历7月为凶月,诸事不宜,如不可出远门、不可开刀、不可结婚、不可购屋、不可搬家等等,,, 但不少民俗专家在考证不少古籍经典和佛典之后发现,在朱元璋之前,农历7月乃是吉祥月、欢喜月、感恩月。 农历7月之所以变成了凶月,乃是朱元璋要把七月给抢走,派人于民间造谣,造假鬼造假怪,让民间不敢于七月办庆典,让七月成了他帝王所专属之月。…mineopoly in blurtmusic • 4 years agoHappy Birthday SidharthaThe birthday of Buddha is celebrated in Japan on April 8th. It is celebrated in Korea in May. I wasn't there so I wouldn't know. But most people seem pretty sure he was born in the Spring. What I…cloudblade in cn • 4 years ago闭口禅闭口禅 佛门之中, 净土宗有着十大神通, 分别为, 一觉二悟三禅四定五眼六通七窍八能九变十法, 这十大神通,不分上下,不分高低, 而闭口禅就是三禅之一, 除此之外是大乘禅,问心禅. 说到闭口禅 就得说到戒 不吹嘘 不刁难 不挑逗 不作弄 不吹捧 不妄言 不造谣 不盲从 .......... 如果人人都谨言慎行 不说出不该的话 那么…offgridlife in belief • 4 years agoDo not believe in Anything.... without Observation and Analysis.Don’t believe in anything.... Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything…offgridlife in happy • 4 years agoBuddha Quotes on Happiness This is a very important message to anyone reading it. Even with everything that has gone wrong. You are still here .... breathing this beautiful air. What a gift to even be alive. Source:offgridlife in peace • 4 years agoBuddha Quotes of Peace Source:offgridlife in love • 4 years agoMessages of Love from the Buddha Reading some Buddha quotes on Love .... Source - The Buddhagolden.future in photography • 4 years agoDonation of Flowers To Buddha Pagodaမင်္ဂလာပါ မိတ်ဆွေတို့ရေ မနေ့က နံနက်ခင်း ပိုင်းမှာ အောင်တောရွာ သို့ လူနာ အကြည့် သွားခဲ့ပါတယ်။ လူနာ ကြည့်ရမယ့် အိမ်က အောင်စကြာစေတီ သွားတဲ့ လမ်း ဘေးမှာ ရှိတာကြောင့် ဘုရား သို့ အရင် ဝင်ရောက်…blurtlove in blurtlove • 4 years agoTeach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.” – BuddhaPeople need to hear that you Love them. Just Blurt it out .... I Love You ! Buddha Quotes on Love “In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how…