BYT Backs: Reward Distribution & Market Analysis for 27 February 2023

in byt •  2 years ago 

The reward payouts this week were 145 SWAP.HIVE plus 50,000 SWAP.BLURT, plus a further midweek bonus of 40,000 SWAP.BLURT + 100 SWAP.HIVE.

The total for this week (priced at the time of distribution) is 1160 HIVE equivalent.

BYT token holders will see their rewards in their respective token accounts - not in their BYT holdings.

The Numbers

This week:

SWAP.HIVE per 100 BYT Payout = 1.901 (+ Bonus 1.490 = 3.391)
Cumulative Payouts = 100.52 HIVE/100BYT (78 weeks)
Projected ROI = 140.2% (78 weeks)

BYT Program Total = 1,341,000 BLURT equivalent

BYT ABV = 0.397 HIVE (before distro) - 0.379 (after distro)(0.175 USD)

Buybacks will initially be in range of 0.36-0.37 HIVE, or best values given market prices.
As always, is a good idea to pay attention to market trades.

Read this for further explanations of how the metrics are calculated.


We continue our steady descent, within a background of crypto turbulence. Just five weeks left of this; March ends on a Friday, so could set the final buyback price on that day and the last distro would be on the previous Monday.

As I have said many times, if unsure at what price to sell back the tokens just look at the current market and the rate at which we've been actually buying back. Those paying attention may have noticed that the ABV before each distribution is usually higher than after the previous one. Mondays and Fridays generally show the largest price moves, that can be either positive, or not, for the fund value.

The final closing price will only be stable once everything is converted into HIVE. There is nothing magic about HIVE itself, but it is the only currency that BYT is priced in.

The drop in price is entirely due to the divergence of the HIVE/BLURT rate.

The big thing this week is that we have finally reached cumulative payouts of over 100 HIVE per 100 BYT, so each token has generated a return of 1 HIVE, which was our launch price. Some were fortunate enough to buy at the start below that price, so this is already an overall profit. With an ABV just below 40 cents, the projected ROI is about 140%. As always, this final month will depend on market rates, and I shall be liquidating holdings if any further price spikes appear.

You can now see the winding-down process manifestly taking place as the dark-blue bars, in the cumulative chart below, have started to increase more sharply.

Here is a weekly chart of the returns expressed as HIVE per 100 BYT.

Projecting forwards for the next 6 weeks, we are now on target for a closing price of somewhere in the region of 0.1-0.2 HIVE per BYT. Also recall that the whole reason for this is so that we don't end up with an enormous pool of SWAP.HIVE sitting there waiting for users to sell-back to admin. The earning-while-winding-down process is going well, although we shall now be digging into some fairly profitable investments, but some do take time to unstake, and there is no getting away with such unstaking periods. The real target at this stage is that all holdings can be quickly converted into HIVE when we are near a final buyback price.

Here is a new chart showing the cumulative payouts, ABV and the sum of both. The above chart is an expanded version of the dark-blue column below.

The winding down process will convert funds in the ABV into distributions - we shall see the light-blue column shrinking as the dark-blue expands. The total of the two may go up or down, depending on market conditions and income during this period. After just a few weeks, we can already see this process on the chart. The chart now also shows that the current projected ROI is about 140%, based upon the standard launch price of 1 HIVE. We now include the projected ROI in our data at the top.

As mentioned a few times, the BYT price chart has now been removed as the app that generates it has not updated in a long time. You can view the recent price action on Hive-Engine, and the historical chart has a similar shape to the above cumulative data.

And remember to vote on BYT posts - every little helps to increase weekly income.

Buy BLURT on Probit, Ionomy, Hive-Engine.

Buy BYT on Hive-Engine

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  
