Some Emotional & Sensitive Photos And Videos From Russia & Ukraine

in blurtyield •  2 years ago 

Image has been taken from Twitter

Apart from the war between Russia and Ukraine, there are some very emotional and sensitive images and videos are being shared in different social media platforms, specially on Twitter. Those impressed me deeply and moved me to share them in our community.

No. 01 :

This image is explaining so many things. It tells about what happens after wars. A child becomes orphan and a woman widow. To see it on Twitter, touch the link

No. 02 :

Watch this video. It will cry you. What is emotion? What's called feeling? Through this video, you can realise it very well.

No. 03 :

What a suitable defination of love and peace. A man draped in the Ukrainian flag embraces a woman wearing the Russian flag. Let us hope love, peace & co-existence triumph over war and conflict. Source

No. 04 :

Amydst these ups and downs, I found this inspiring video of Russians on Twitter. Many people in Moscow are shouting "Not to War".

No. 05 :

Mariam Tokhadze has shared this photo on Twitter. A number of people are protesting together and showing their unity. They stand with Ukraine. Twitter link


Please look at these emotional images, watch these heart left videos! Please order your army to drop their guns! Think about small children, consider on dialogues, dialogues are good source to solve any conflicts.


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