Which 3 chores did you do today? - Comment & Win.

in blurttribe •  3 years ago 

If you are the type that is busy with your job or business during weekdays, the weekend can always serve as a time to rest, relax and probably go for a vacation. That's how we all like to think of weekends, but let's not forget that this is also a good time to do some chores.

Saturdays are mostly for sanitation, house cleaning and other house chores. We may not like to work on days like this, but it's a general phenomenon. Sometimes, we can't help but get into the act of removing cobwebs, doing laundry, mowing the lawn...and so on. You probably know this more than we do.

This brings us to our discussion of the day.



  • Tell us any 3 house chores you did today.

  • How long did it take you to do the chores?

  • Answer in the comment section.

In case you are not aware, there is no wrong answer in this case. As far as you stick with the guidelines for this, you can get part of the winnings.

3 BLURT will be sent as a participation reward for all quality entries.

N.B: Eating breakfast doesn't count as house chores. Hehe. Just saying.

Header image sourced from pixabay and further edited using Canva.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Happy sunday
So sorry am late but I will love to share what I did
I did laundry, I also visited my dad poultry house yesterday and clean up the house.
Lastly, I mob the kitchen since my siblings did the rooms mobbing.
It took my 4-5 hours because i spend more time in the poultry house
Thank you

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Happy Sunday to you too @preciousx. Don't worry, you are right on time. Haha. Thanks for joining this small talk of ours.

You had quite a lot to do yesterday and I'm glad you did it so well. I don't know how big the poultry may be, but working there must not have been an easy one. Heheh.

Well Done. Your participation reward is sent.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I fetch water,
I wash my clothes and also keep the compound clean by weeding the grasses

It took me 2 hours because I had to trek a long distance and also my clothes were much
Thank you for the contest.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Nice getting your input about this.

You fetched water? Wow... Is it the way people fetch water from (maybe) a tap in the compound or do you have to go long distance to fetch water?

Hope water is accessible over there.

Getting this done in 2 hours is a good record. Your participation reward is sent to your wallet.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Saturdays are usually days for house chores and sanitization. Today just like any Saturday, I did some laundry which is very important to me because I really needed to wash those clothes which I have felt so lazy to wash for awhile now. I had to clear the grasses around the compound and finally I had to arrange my room especially my book sheave. It doesn't look stressful but trust me I am exhausted.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

It doesn't look stressful but trust me I am exhausted.


This has a taste of reality in it. Some of these chores look quite simple until you get into it. Little wonder why many people usually feel exhausted on Saturday afternoon/evening. It's the outcome of doing so much in the early hours of the day.

Good one from you @dicksonbem. Now, you can have a good rest and face the 'real fun' side of weekend.

Participation reward is sent.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Today of all days I didn't do much at home, then this question 🙄 well, I did a chore but not chores because I did most of it yesterday... Would it count?

I prepared lunch and will be preparing dinner 😂 and yeah! I went for a workout today too... Does that count? 🤣 Well, it took about 2hours to prepare lunch. Don't know about dinner yet. The workout took hours, like 3 to 4 hours I guess.

Actually on normal day, I would sweep the house, mop the floor and do some laundry but all of that have been done yesterday 🙂

Thanks, seems I'll be skipping some chores in case of a time like this 😂 so I would have done more chores to talk about.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Lol... I need to laugh at this dramatic turn of event. I hope the laughter counts because this is so hilarious. Hehe.

Everything counts.

Really, if you have the freedom and time, doing your chores on weekdays is always preferable so that on days like this, you can focus on giving your body what it deserves. Hehe.

You are on point and on the right path. This shows that you are already enjoying 'real fun' of weekend while some others were doing chores.

Hope you will still have the appetite to join us again when we get to the fun side of this weekend.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

😂 I'm glad I made you laugh and thanks for making it count.
Can't wait to join in for the fun side of the weekend 🙂

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

For me I wash my siblings uniform
I also wash the dishes in the house and I wash my dad car
And all this I did in 1 hour 30 minutes

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Wait... 30 minutes? You've got to be kidding me


That was my initial reaction untill I read this the second time. Hehe.

Nice one from you. Getting this done in an hour an 30 minutes is still a remarkable feat to achieve.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

First of all, church cleaning
Secondly, my clothes washing
Thirdly, stream to fetch water
Time- 3 hours I spent so much time oo
It was fun

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Lol... Did you work with a timer on? It's almost as if you alloted an hour to each of these.

Saturdays for church cleaning is a standard practice in many denominations. Some do theirs in the morning while others do it in the evening. Nonetheless, you did what you have to do and I guess you are already relaxing and have a good rest. Right?

Thanks for joining us in this discussion. Participation reward is sent.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Good evening house!

I didn't do much today because I wanted to have enough of rest this Saturday.
First, I went to church to join other brethren in cleaning the church compound.
Which took us about an hour and half.

I returned from church and wash few clothes I couldn't wash during the week.
That took me about one 40 minutes.

Lastly, I took our generator to the machanic work shop for maintenance.
Which took me about 2hrs/30mins.

Much thanks to @onchain-curator.
Thank you.

Ohhh... You did all these for a duration of 4 hours and 40 minutes, but you just said that "You Didn't Do Much Today". Haha

I'm already scared! Can't imagine how your schedule would be any day you decide to do 'much'. Haha.

Well Done @nwakudo-miracle.

You did a lot and I can imagine that you were also offline for some time today. Well, after working this hard, I would say you really deserve a good sleep. Have a good weekend.

Participation reward is sent.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

I can imagine that you were also offline for some time today.

I needed sometime offline - hehe.
Thanks for the reward.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I woked up feeling strong today.
Honestly, it was a bright day, a day with less thought owing to the fact that my school is currently on strikes which my schedule are not much divided into school and house chores.

Waking up this morning my first house chores was sweeping my room and the compound, then I proceed to fetching water cause we do not have a borehole in are compound.
Lastly, I wash my clothes especially the ones am going to wear to church tomorrow being sunday.

Honestly, this 3 chores were the main 3 chores I did today.

It took me less than 2hr to complete this 3 chores.


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Good for you. You will be bouncing to church with your sparkling wears. Hehe.

I've seen more people talk about 'fetching water'. Seems like water is not as accessible as I imagined. Hope you all get to have enough water to go round.

Your day is going well. After all the work, I guess you will be ready to enjoy the fun part of weekend.

Well done. Participation reward is sent.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Good evening great blurtants.

This morning I carried out some great chores and it was in the church environment to be precise.

  • I cut the grass round the church ( this took about 25 to 30 minute since we were much)

  • Then I later got involved in removing the sand from the gutter in front of the church. ( This took very long up to 2 hours since we had to go under the closer gutter space).

  • Then I was involved in the parking of the cleared sight, and also the washing of the equipment used and returning some of them since we borrowed some from neighbors. ( This took about 40 minutes).

I did all this despite the sprain I had on my hands after I was involved in a football match and I had a major dislocation which caused me swellings and pains but I still had to work since it was a group thing.🙏🙏

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Wow.... I'm screaming out loud already. You really had an eventful start to this day. I want to believe that you will be sleeping for the remaining hours of this day. Haha. You really need to rest after all these.

The good thing though is that you did a good job in the house of God. Nice one from you @utibeoeffiongart

You also need to take medical approach towards the sprain you had. Thanks for joining us in this discussion.

Your participation reward is sent.

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Thank you very much sir, am grateful.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The work I did today:

  1. This morning I went to the field. Saw the coconut plant that I planted a year ago and cleaned it of the growing grass. I go to the garden at least once a week. For this job, I leave as early as 7 am and return home around 11 am.

  2. In the afternoon, I went to the garden near the house where I planted eggplant. There is a lot of grass that needs to be cleaned because it can interfere with the growth of the eggplant plant. I did this job for about 3 hours.

  3. In the afternoon, I water the flowers and fruit plants that grow in my yard. I did this job for about 1 hour.

today is a nice day...

Wow... It's really a busy day for you.

Having a garden is a lovely thing but it's not something that can be done by everyone. Hehe. You are doing so well. The fact that you always remember to water your plant is already an adorable thing.

Well Done @maskuncoro

Feel free to join us again whenever we have a topic for discussion. Your participation reward is sent.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Well,well I first washed the dirty clothes available, then I arranged the bedroom and I also prepared breakfast and i spent not less than two hours in accomplishing these chores.
It was fun, thank you so much @onchain-curator for this awesome opportunity it's nice 🤗🤗.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Nice... That's a good one. The thing about doing these is that it surely has to be done. If not today, then tomorrow or a day after tomorrow, but we can't just neglect it for too long.

You did the work within a nice time duration. You can now enjoy the fun part of weekend. Hehe.

Your participation reward is sent.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much @onchain-curator.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I wash and iron my clothes
I clean and mob the house
I went for church cleaning
It took me 4 hours

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Busy day. Eh?

Haha... Nice one. If you started by 8am, it means that you finished by noon. That's a good one. You have already finished the workful part of the day. Now enjoy the fun part of the weekend.

Your participation reward is sent.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wow, this is interesting
My weekend was stressful, I over work o

  1. I first of all visited my Granny and wash all his clothes
  2. I joined in my street cleaning
  3. I later attended Church sanitation though I was late

Time - though I didn't check but was from 8- 12:30

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

That's a handful of activities on your part. Woww. What a day. You did well and it's surely a commendable work from you.

Does that mean that you will be resting today? Hehe. You surely need a break

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