Hello blurt, hope everyone is doing good.
Today been Wednesday, we bring you another program that you would love to participate: the "Black and White Photography".
We would love you to be original and won't accept any online image.
It shouldn't be old pictures... But black and white photos of anything (humans, animals, plants and even places) anything creative in black and white. Photo shots must be taken by you.
After the captures, just drop your participation as a comment in the reply section of this post.
Remember, originality matters, we wish you all the best in today's reality show.
Always check on the shows requirements for updates

Join us every Friday for discussions and interactions on our pub.....Don't miss out!!

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Flor de Lavanda cultivada en mi jardín / Lavender flower grown in my garden
My entry

This is my second participation in this contest, hope you like the black and white photography of my best friend
Looking good🤗..Nice shot!!!
you're most welcomed to blurttribe 🙂.
We grow together!
This is my first participation in these initiatives, which as I said in another comment, is a great idea, I like it very much.
This photo with which I participate today, is of a green beetle (Cotini mutabilis), a species that inhabits my back yard. It is a really beautiful insect for its shapes, and especially for the metallic green color it has (which can't be seen here). It is a pleasure to watch it fly, but it is really difficult to photograph.
This photo corresponds to a series that I took months ago, during several days, when this beautiful animal let itself be seen in a gentle way. I hope you like it.
Thank you @sirenahippie for joining us on the daily reality show. Enjoy the fun!!!!
Nice entry you have here👍👍
A common view of rural Bengal, Art is done with pencil.
This is inside Air peace airline .Safe journey to me❤️

Safe journey to you..
A candid shot of a car parked in front of a supermarket. I was going shopping and played a little with my phone camera. Did this turn out okay? 🙂
Sure it did turn out good, hope you had a nice time shopping!
My Brother Feeling Happy @Home.
today we will have a religious ceremony at home

Has sido curad@ por @visualblock / You've been curated by @visualblock
Puedes apoyar a nuestro Testigo @alberto0607 aquí /You can support our Witness @alberto0607 here
My office buddy :)
The big boys 😎
My cousin brothers
Wednesday's reward sent !!
We invite you to use the tag #blurthispano. You can find us on Discord.
Manually curated by Geeklania.
We invite you to vote for @blurthispano as Witness.
Posted from https://blurtlatam.com