in blurtstory •  3 months ago 

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Continued from last post

Habit 3: Put First Things First

Goodday my fellowers , I'm happy to be in your midst today and welcome to yet another exciting review of our book review.

In my previous post I talked about Habit 2 which was titled "begin with the end in mind" which was all about us having a clear picture of Achieving our goals even before embarking on it

Today we will be talking about Habit 3 as regards to Steph covey's book in "the 7 habits of highly effective people".

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The title of habit 3 is "put first thing first".

Just like I said earlier, the Habit is. Organized in such a way that each habits preceeds the other, that is to say that you will have to be familiar with the previous Habit before you can successfully apply the Next Habit.
This Habit 3 has a close connection with time management , task and activies priority which is linked to Achieving our long term goals.

to be continued in the next post

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