in blurtstory •  6 months ago 

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...... continuied from last post

Covey emphasizes that without this renewal, the body becomes weak, the mind mechanical, the emotions raw, the spirit insensitive, and the person selfish. So to say , Habit 7 is not mainly about self-care, it is also about creating a lifestyle that encourage growth, development, and resilience.

images (88).jpegsource Stephen R. Covey

So In essence this Habit 7 has to do with keeping your personal self sharp so that you can deal with life's challenges in a better way. sharpening your saw involves taking care of and getting ready everything poss that empowers you to deal with the challenges of live.

It could be your health (knowledge, healthy life,brain, mind etc ) or your order physical possession.It's about setting aside time, on a regular basis, to renew yourself.

This is commiting yourself to continuous growth and improvement that in a powerfull way enables you to practice and Maintain the other six habits in a consistent and effective way.

So no matter how busy you might be, learn to set some time aside in other to refill your self be continued in next post

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