in blurtstory •  11 days ago 

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continuied from last post

Good morning friends, today marks the end of the review of this our wonderful book titled " how win friends and influence People".
For someone who is aspiring to be Leader, going into politics or business, his books offers insights and deep skills needed in other to effectively win people towards your side and influence them.

It also offers valuable skills needed when trying to persuade people to do your while, valuable skills needed in persuasion.

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The books also talked about how to give an effective criticism to someone without breeding resentment. Valuable insights on how to also bring the best at of people was also talked about. One way to achieve this is by presentation of mistakes or faults in a way that looks correctable.

So incase you really interested in navigating through human behaviours and being good in your dealings with your fellow human both proffesionally and otherwise, this book is for you.

​ ### To be continuied in the next post

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