BOOK REVIEW: ATOMIC HABITS (CHAPTER 14: How to Make Bad Habits Impossible )

in blurtstory •  yesterday 

How to Make Bad Habits Impossible


Continued from last post

In the same manner with which we can make good habits to be inevitable , we can also create a system where the habits becomes nearly impossible by limiting access.

Thus is also very important because combination of this and the previous will actually give a strong result, as you are making good habits to be inevitable , it is also necessary that you make the bad ones near to impossible to access.


Increase the Effort Required

Trying to stop the habit immediately might prove a little bit difficult, so look for a way to make the habit to be very hard to access.


when working and you are always distracted by your phone , you can make this very hard by keeping your phone in another room.

to be continued in the next post

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