Continued from last post
How to Harness Social Influence for Positive Change
In this part , the author discussed how we can take advantage of social influence to build better habits.
- Join Groups with Shared Interests:
Reach out to people , organizations and communities that share the same interest with you , rapport with people that posses the desired habit bwhich you are trying to adopt.
- Find Accountability Partners:
In other to create motivation and support as you move along the way , make friends with people who share the same goal with you and can also hold you accountable.
Learn from Role Models:
Celebrities, socialite , and public figures influence the public easily, look for a public figure that posses the habit that you are trying to adopt and make him your role model.Be a Role Model Yourself:
When you embody and show positive habits , you become a role model as you also influence those around you to embody those positive habits.