in blurtstory •  3 months ago 

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Continued from last post

According to the Author , the definition of paradigms doesn't end on the way we see things , but also encompasses the way we respond, react and interprete what we see.

These paradigms are mostly formed by our upbringing , cultural background , our experience in life and the form of education we received, paradigms are rooted deeply into our subconscious.

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The arguments of the Author in this chapter was centered on becoming fully aware of our paradigms, examine them very well as it is necessary for our personal growth.

After that, the concept of principles was introduced to us by the Author.
Principles are natural law , universal truth that governs all human

They have been existing for ages and will continue to exist till time indefinite ,they apply equally to every body.

The author was of the belief that principles are the very foundation to personal and interpersonal effectiveness because the basis for ethical decision-making and behavior are being provided by this principles.

to be continued in the next post

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