in blurtstory •  6 days ago 

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Continued from last post

Deposits and Withdrawals in the Personal Bank Account

The Author now went ahead to explain clearly his metaphorical use of the word "personal Bank Account".

The metaphorical use of bank Account
Explains clearly the idea that for Every interactions we have with people, we are either depositing or withdrawing into these accounts.

We are said to make deposit when we show behaviours that build trust then if our actions erodes the trust, we are said to make withdrawal.

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Examples of Deposits:

1 . Keeping to our Promises:
When we fulfill our promises , and follow through our commitment , we are showing trust and reliability.

2 . Showing Respect:

When we Respect the feelings of others', their opinions, and views about life , we are contributing positively to the relationship.

3 . Listening Actively:
Mutual trust are also being strengthened when we give listening ear, attention and seeking to geniuely understand them.

4 . Being Transparent:

Trust are also being created when we are open about information and being honest even when it's difficult.

to be continued in the next post

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