Welcome to blurttribe Pub (Weekend Engagement)

in blurtpub •  2 years ago 

Hello Everyone Welcome to the


Every Friday - Saturday



🤗A very goodday to you all and welcome to another Friday 🤗😍😋 #TGIF
I hope we all are doing well. Last week the pub was so fun!!! and lots more 🥰🥰, you can check it out here 👉blurttribe Pub ( Weekend Engagement). This idea is to create a space where we all can interact on the blockchain, get to know each other and have fun and there would be prizes🎁 too.

So, let's get down to this week's round, everyone is welcome to add his/her opinion on the topic of this weekend.

Let's get started🚀
First of all, grab a seat, it's going down........

So, every Friday of the week, the @blurttribe team would come up with topics of discussion. Feel free to express yourself, share your opinion, comment, ask questions, interact with someone, get to know anyone, reply to another's opinion.

All these will be done in the comments 👇Section of this post

Your also free to use any language🌐

Please reblurt so others can join in the conversation


🎁Ohhhhh...yes ... there's a prize for everyone🎁

Prizes will be announced and given out on Sunday to the winners via the comment section of these post after reviewing their interactions towards the topic.

1st winner2nd winner3rd winner
4th winner5th winner

Plus every quality comment will get extra blurt from @blurttribe. Special thanks🤗 to the blurt team for the support so far.


Please if you would like to sponsor the Weekend Engagement. Please your welcome, we appreciate 🙏


Now here is the question for the week!....

- Discussion for the Pub


- Happy new month to everyone!!!. what do you hope to achieve this month on blurt?

- What are the challenges your facing here in blurt. (Some one might help you with tips)

- Which would you like to keep as pet. Dogs or cats

- Do you think technology has done good to mankind or worse

- Who do you think serves the country most – A Teacher or a Soldier?

pexels-darlene-alderson-7016492.jpgPhoto by Darlene Alderson:






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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Good morning @blurttribe .🌞 This will be my first time to join such one of kind opportunity for me to engage more people on this site.

Happy new month to everyone!!!. what do you hope to achieve this month on blurt?

  • Since I was a newbie, I don't have much knowledge about this site. Apart from gaining more Blurt or Blurts (if be given though) I am expecting to learn more about this site, and meet friends that can give me some tips on how to make my blurt.blog journey fruitful, or literally just be my friend/s. I can't say that I will be as productive as expected to be but I will see to it that I will spend time to be in here. I am looking forward to see how this site will help me to grow both personally and socially.

What are the challenges your facing here in blurt? (Some one might help you with tips)

  • Because of lack of knowledge, I can't say that I am facing some challenges in here. Well, it could be that I am still on the process of learning more about it. So far, I can post a blog successfully, even though there are times that I can't due to lack of Blurt. That is why, I just waited for a couple of hours for my blurts to be redeemed. Regarding the earnings, I might just discuss it in the near future. Hehe.

Which would you like to keep as pet. Dogs or cats

  • Dogs are hailed as a man's best friend. And I will definitely agreed to that. I have a pet dog named, "Iking" but most of the time we called him, "King." He is an "Aspin" given to us by a family friend. He will turned 1 year old this coming August. He is adorable and because of him, I overcome my fear of Dogs. He comforts me when I am down and makes me happy, especially when I was at home along with him. That because I was an only child. On the other hand, cats are just literally cute kind of animals. But if I will be going to choose between the two, I will choose Dogs to be my pet.

Do you think technology has done good to mankind or worse?

  • Speaking of the advantages brought by Technology, I must say this has done good to mankind. Especially when we talk about the convenience and hassle-free way of living that this technology gives to us. It could only be done worse if the man who uses this technology without thinking about its limitations, which can lead to laziness and other negative effects of it.

Who do you think serves the country most – A Teacher or a Soldier?

  • I am actually a licensed Teacher. But unfortunately, I still didn't able to get an Item for me to teach in public school. If you look at it, without teachers there will be no soldiers. But if we just talk about the thing, "serve" both professions should be treated equal. When it comes to imparting knowledge, Teachers are the ones who are tasked to do that. And when it comes to maintaining peace of the country, Soldiers does it. Profession is not just a mere profession. It is a passion to serve for the common good of the people.
  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Good morning and happy new month @renren20
Blurt is the best platform to be in and build something strong plus there are wonderful people here too to mingle with and also learn from. Hope am your friend now 😊😊🧡

At Blurttribe you can get support from us, don't fail to reach out to us🧡🧡 let's keep been active...

I would love to see a picture of "king" your dog😊

Technology has done good but the bad side of it, is much I think...hahaha..proove me wrong😜

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Woah! Thanks for an encouraging response my new dear friend. Hehe.

Here's my 11 month old pet;


As for the thing I say about technology, I think it just depends on how people look or how they perceive it. (Its just my opinion though.)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hehehe....whats king looking at??..so much strength 👍👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hey there dogmate! Wooof! 🐾♥️

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hello sis Chichi. 😊🖐️

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Dogs are winning!!!! Woof wooof! Morning, ren!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sorry for my late response sis. I was just busy the whole day attending some personal matters. Yes! Dogs are indeed winning! Hehe..

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

TGIF @blurttribe team and friends. I just woke up! Having coffee so I could function properly. Let's go, power rangers!

Happy new month to everyone!!!. what do you hope to achieve this month on blurt?

  • What are the challenges your facing here in blurt. (Some one might help you with tips)
    ***I think one of the challenges is interaction because let's be honest... having to pay every comment and upvote is so damn tough especially when you're a newbie. Been there, done done. Other than that, Blurt is a beautiful community. No sugar coating!
  • Which would you like to keep as pet. Dogs or cats
    ***Do I have to answer that??? WOOF WOOF of course! Man, Dogs are my favorite people. I could talk to them for hours. Humans? I get exhausted talking in 5 minutes. But hey, I love you all. There was one person who asked me one time and go: "Are you a dog person or a cat person?" and I answered, "All I know is that I am NOT a people person. " lol Says it all. Please say hello to my wonder aspin SOFIA!!
  • Do you think technology has done good to mankind or worse?
    *** Well, in reality it goes both ways. These days, technology affects the way people communicate, learn, and think. We don't talk face to face anymore. we talk vis chats and messengers which is kind of sad. Although, this is perfect if you are away from your love ones like me. We do communicate via the internet. In business sense, it plays a huge role. Easy marketing and advertising. On the bad side, people use technology to harm each other which is pathetic. Adults acting like kids bashing each other. If someone's disagrees with you, then you're the bad person lol. Sick! It is still up to us though how to make sure that we use for good. Your choice. Which side are you on? Only you can answer that!
  • Who do you think serves the country most – A Teacher or a Soldier?
    *** I am fair. I think I think the two serves the nation equally. Soldiers? These people don't even care about their lives just to protect ours. Teachers? Imagine your life without them. They are the only ones who teach us right from our childhood. Without them, there is no education in our lives. Kudos to all hardworking teachers out there. My mom is one. She's a retired teacher.

So I think that was all. I may have to add some thoughts when the coffee kicks in. Happy Friday, everyone!

One love,

I love your answers as you weren't bias even in the last question. Good morning ma

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Loveyah, Princess!!!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Goodmorning and happy new month my friend @bloghound

***I think one of the challenges is interaction because let's be honest... having to pay every comment and upvote is so damn tough especially when you're a newbie.

Yea that's true, and that's why we have got your back, just holla @blurttribe anytime you need assistance here, let's keep the interactions coming in, coz I want to keep hearing from you my friend 🧡🧡

"All I know is that I am NOT a people person. "

hahahaha ..
Hello Sofia, hmmm... looking good..was she really looking at the camera that way 😂😂😂😂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Here is Randy

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hehe thank you, my friend. Sofia says hello but she doesn't like her elf hat.
And again, thank you for always being with us. @blurttribe rocks!!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It looks good on her...with those eyes😂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am happy to be here once again. You make Fridays great too. I am always excited about the amazing questions. Let me get right to it. Happy Friday, Tribe family.

Happy new month to everyone!!!. what do you hope to achieve this month on blurt?

I hope to achieve 100,000 Blurt Power this month. Yes, I am a dreamer hahaha. It's a lot to achieve in a month but they used to say that if you aim for the star and miss, you can at least fall on the tree 😂😂😂🤣. I really wish I can lay my hands on extra funds right now so I can buy as much Blurt as I can but I am not ruling it out. I hope to earn more to build it up and then buy as much as I can. I love helping, it makes me happy...if I can reward so many underrated posts, I know it would keep the motivation higher especially with the dip we are currently on and most people lost the courage to post.

What are the challenges your facing here in blurt. (Some one might help you with tips)

One of the challenges I would say is engagement. I think most people just upvote and leave. Not too many people give comments on people's posts. Thank God for Blurttribe that encourages this with engagements but on individual posts, I hardly see people around. When I comment on other people's posts too before now, they don't even reply. Looks like some people just dump posts and go. I guess I would have to find those who engages better and we all need to do better, including myself.

Which would you like to keep as pet. Dogs or cats.

I would go with dogs. I had a lot while growing up and I can still remember their names: Major, Snowball, Tiger, Rex and Cherry. I've always loved dogs. While growing up and especially here in Nigeria, cats are frowned at. We used to see them as fetish and witches use them to infiltrate humans but that's not true and I got to know this as I grew older but I've fallen in love with dogs way before now and there is no way I can change that again now. Blame Nigeria for my dislike for cats before now hahaha...but I like them now...how fluffy and how cuddly they can be.

Do you think technology has done good to mankind or worse.

I would say it's 50-50. For every good thing we have the bad. The bad one is basically due to the human effect because we turn it into what it's not supposed to be. Technology was designed to make our lives easier and there has been remarkable improvements over the years. It has done great for mankind but in the flip side too, it has deprived us of the ability to think and it has made us to be too lazy to some extent. It's a 50-50 for me.

Who do you think serves the country most – A Teacher or a Soldier?

Ah! This one is hard. I have nothing against the two professions. Teachers prepare us and shapes lives. They mould lives into what those lives can be and the military defends the nation. If there is chaos, there won't be the room to teach neither would those lives the teachers has moulded bring forth anything good because there is no guarantee for safety. Oh boy...this is tough but to answer this, let me say the Soldiers. They give up their lives, their families, their comfort so we can all dream and make impact.

You dey fear cat? 😆😆😆

I hope to achieve 100,000 Blurt Power this month.

I just love my KP. Dream high baby. Lol but don't fall from a tree, abeg 😆

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You will be nice and you will still act like a bus conductor sometimes 🤣🤣😂🤣🤣

“Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me” 😂😂😂
If I use rod beat you, I embrace you with the staff, in all, I am helping you 😅

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's if the rod isn't taller than you... I can imagine the struggles 🤣🤣😂🤣🏃🏃🏃🏃

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Watch out for the tree, don't break your
back ooo🤣, @princessbusayo come and hold him ooo....it's a gradual process, one at a time...

Happy new month to you man✌️👍👍.
Well, is a good observation you made here, most people don't engaged much.. just post post post, I think we all should cultivate the spirit of engagement because it's more fun and you make more friends..and that's why we have (blurtpub - weekend Engagement) so let's hear all you gat to say🤣🤣🤣..but again don't think of falling on a tree, see your back ooo🤣🤣🤣🤣

in Nigeria, cats are frowned at. We used to see them as fetish and witches use them to infiltrate humans but that's not true.

Your funny bro🤣🤣🤣🤣. But that's true or may not. In Nigeria here so many things are possible 🤣.

I would say it's 50-50

I agree with you on this

If he falls, he will get up. Na who send am work 😂😂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Abi oooo

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

🤣🤣😂 gang up.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Smh...na you dey do person, na you dey help them. How person wan take thank you like this?

🤣🤣🤣 No be you wan dream higher?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Abi...I don't want to be DOWN to earth 🤣😂🏃🏃🏃

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣 my back is so strong and thank you, I still need it to deal with Princess in the other room.

Thank you so much.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes to dogs!!!! Wooohooo!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks to @communitycoin, @blurt-network and everyone who upvoted 🧡🧡. We appreciate

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hello Blurt People. Hope you are ll doing great and enjoy your weekend always.. here's my take to these question are ...

  • what do you hope to achieve this month on blurt?

Well i am new in blurt so right now I am just getting the hang of it But hoepfully to sustain my blurt so I can freely interact with a lot of blurt people.. evry action here needs blurt. So I hope to be consistent and be able to gain followers as well.

  • What are the challenges your facing here in blurt. (Some one might help you with tips)

The one thing that hinders my full participation in this platform is the amount of blurt needed to post to follow and to comment.. so hopefully soon I can sustain my blurt activities.. i am liking this platform so far..bsad because i cannot really do stuff for now..

  • Which would you like to keep as pet. Dogs or cats

If its possible both but if I have to choose I think i would prefer cats. The one problem would be the very smelly and stinky cat poops .. hihihuhand very sharp claws... Ouchy..... :-)

  • Do you think technology has done good to mankind or worse

Of course technology has done good to us... All things when done or use extremely and not to the normal will lead to bad things.. so its better to balance technology and soical activities including physical activities.. comfort in life whether productivity, communication, work, life and almost everything... One thing great is that now you can talk to love ones in seconds not like before where you have to send a lettter via courrier you have to travel the globe to seea family or friend . Who doesnt want that...

  • Who do you think serves the country most – A Teacher or a Soldier?

Again both.. but teacher holds the most point for they are the core for a great country it molds future generation how to live for the betterment of the country... And how can we be a good soldier if we do not have quality teachers.. just saying hihihih...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Happy new month @buknoytamad, that's why we are here to help you on your blurt journey, just holla me if you need assistance.

Keep Blurtting, keep interacting🚀🚀

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

What are the challenges your facing here in blurt. (Some one might help you with tips)
I cant think of any issues with blurt as I can post easily everytime and people here are all so kind and friendly

  • Which would you like to keep as pet. Dogs or cats
    I am a dog person and I think I was a dog in my past life so yeah. 🐾♥️

  • Do you think technology has done good to mankind or worse
    Both. It has been good in the sense that it helped us communicate with our loved ones easily. Worse as sometimes we spend too much at social media that we neglect the physical bonding amongst others.

  • Who do you think serves the country most – A Teacher or a Soldier? Who had helped the soldiers to become one? Teachers right? I’ll be bias with this as I am a Teacher. Hehehe

Goodmorning @blurttribe and blurt friends!
Happy Friday!!!!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

🎊🎊You won 5blurts for making the first entry in today's show🎁

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A dog in the afterlife? Haha.
If so, it must have been a formidable experience, since they say that dogs are there to show the human race unconditional love and loyalty.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hehehe @oneray Goodmorning!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh yes the physical bonding that's the words I'm looking for! I can figure it out so I just made up the invisible barrier lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Spiritual too maybe? Hahaha. Goodmorning sissy! 😘

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hats off to all dog people out there!!!!! Morning, kabsat! Woof woof!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good morning to youuuuuuuuuuu😊😊🧡🧡
Happy new month, happy Friday

Am not going to argue this, teachers are the best!!!👍. You guys are doing a wonderful job most people fail to recognize.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

First three entries 🎊🎊✌️


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good morning @blurttribe!
Happy Friday!

  • Happy new month to everyone!!!. what do you hope to achieve this month on blurt?
    I hope to achieve producing more quality content for this month moving forward. I will to post longer not just a microblogging type Lol. Wish me luck!

  • What are the challenges your facing here in blurt.
    No challenges really, I just need to manage my time efficiently!

  • Which would you like to keep as pet. Dogs or cats
    I like dogs, a soft and cuddyble dog, or a stuffed dog lol. 1 dog equal to 1 kid and now I don't think I can manage more.

  • Do you think technology has done good to mankind or worse
    It brings people closer, specially those in long distance kind of set up. on the contrary technology also made an invisible barrier for family to really bond and talk, not in video call or chat.

  • Who do you think serves the country most – A Teacher or a Soldier?
    They both play important role but even a soldier need a teacher first. Oh I dont know lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Now I realized i skipped the first question unknowingly! Well i will have to answer same as yours sissy. Copied. There. Hahahahaa!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

bwahahhaha i knew it!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

🎊🎊You won 3blurts for making the third entry in today's show🎁

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

thank you so much @blurttribe!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

3 points for dogs! Yahoooo!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Woop woop 🤣🤣 Good eve sis!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good morning and happy new month my friend @cindee08, av got alot of good friends here🧡🧡 your one of them🥂.

Blurt on🚀🚀🚀🚀

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I also considered you as my closest friend here in Blurt. A regular how-are-you chatmate in this platform 🤣

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Happy new month to you all❤️❤️❤️

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

my birth month!

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Wowwwwww !!!! @bloghound


When are we celebrating your birthday my friend.. what's the date, am saving it!!!
Happy birthday month🎊🎊🎊❤️

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I'm always late on the class😂😅.
It's just that I can't pass it up without laying down answers to questions. So here are my answers;

Happy new month to everyone!!!. what do you hope to achieve this month on blurt?

  • More blurts to receive haha!"

What are the challenges your facing here in blurt. (Some one might help you with tips)

  • Maybe when I was just starting here and can't move because of my small blurt hehe. And another when I first signed in, confused because of many passwords haha. But it's all good now.

Which would you like to keep as pet. Dogs or cats

  • They said that dog is a man's bestfriend. So I rather kept dog.

Do you think technology has done good to mankind or worse

  • It helped a lot. Especially in the past pandemic because without computers, cellphones and other gadgets. Communication of distant places is difficult. Like Ofw's who are far from loved ones. They need a video call to talk to their loved ones.

Who do you think serves the country most – A Teacher or a Soldier?

  • Both but soldier needs a teacher hehe. And teachers are our second parents outside the home when we were still studying.

Happy weekend my fellow Blurters!

  • msaries34
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hello @msaries34,
Happy Sunday to you!!, Your doing well
Blurt on🚀🚀🚀

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Aww, thanks @blurttribe!
Blessed Sunday!