NEWS | Polres Lhokseumawe Libatkan Puslabfor dapam Kasus Pembakaran Kandang Lembu BUMG

in blurtnesia •  2 years ago 









Kepolisian Resort Lhokseumawe libatkan Tim Pusat Laboratorium Forensik (Puslabfor) Poldasu falak melakukan olah TKP kasus pembakaran kandang lembu milik Badan Usaha Milik Gampong (BUMG) Tanjong Keumala, Kecamatan Sawang, Aceh Utara, Jumat kemarin.

Kapolres Lhokseumawe, AKBP Henki Ismanto, SIK melalui Kapolsek Sawang, Iptu Ade Candra, SH mengatakan, tim Puslabfor tersebut dipimpin oleh Kompol Supredi, ST. "Olah TKP ini untuk mengambil sampel, keterangan saksi guna diuji di laboratorium Forensik," ujarnya.

Peristiwa pembakaran tersebut terjadi pada Sabtu (25/2/2023) lalu sekira pukul 20.00 WIB. Akibatnya, hampir seluruh bangunan berkontruksi kayu hangus terbakar.

Kejadian ini, katanya, pertama kali dilihat oleh Nazaruddin (30) warga setempat. Saat itu dirinya sedang berada di rumahnya yang berjarak 100 meter dari TKP. Ia melihat api menyala di kandang dimaksud. Kemudian, saksi keluar dan ternyata kandang itu sudah dalam kondisi terbakar.

"Saksi sempat mencium adanya bau bensin pada saat api menyala, kemudian saksi melaporkan kejadian itu kepada kepala desa," ujarnya.

Selanjutnya, kata Kapolsek, pada Senin (27/2/2023) Ketua BUMG, Saiful Afwadi (36) membuat laporan resmi ke Mapolsek Sawang. "Pelaku masih dalam penyelidikan, akibat kejadian ini kerugian diperkirakan mencapai Rp18 juta," pungkasnya.










The Lhokseumawe Resort Police involved the Central Forensic Laboratory Team (Puslabfor) Poldasu Falak to investigate the TKP case of the burning of the ox pen owned by the Tanjong Keumala Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMG), Sawang District, North Aceh, last Friday. The Lhokseumawe Police Chief, AKBP Henki Ismanto, SIK through the Sawang Police Chief, Iptu Ade Candra, SH said, the Puslabfor team was led by Kompol Supredi, ST. "The crime scene is processed to take samples, witness statements to be tested in the forensic laboratory," he said. The arson incident occurred on Saturday (25/2/2023) at around 20.00 WIB. As a result, almost all of the wooden-constructed buildings were burnt. This incident, he said, was first seen by Nazaruddin (30), a local resident. At that time he was at his house which is 100 meters from the crime scene. He saw a fire burning in the cage. Then, the witness came out and it turned out that the cage was already on fire. "The witness smelled gasoline when the fire was lit, then the witness reported the incident to the village head," he said. Furthermore, said the Kapolsek, on Monday (27/2/2023) the Head of BUMG, Saiful Afwadi (36) made an official report to the Sawang Police Headquarters. "The perpetrators are still under investigation, as a result of this incident the loss is estimated at IDR 18 million," he concluded.

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