Sharper - Convince you that you are someone you are not

in blurtmovies •  last year 

Defrauding someone who has taken up fraud as a profession may be problematic from a legal point of view, but it will not be problematic in conscience, spirit and mind, because the money in question is not personal earnings that have already been worked for. It can be thought of as money that belongs to others illegally changing hands more than once.


The seizure of money that already belongs to you and the subsequent effort to get it back is another story. Getting scammed first and then scamming the person you were scammed by, I think, gets around the legal problem.

But in both cases, there are scammers and scammers scamming scammers. You lose your money by being scammed out of it, and you get it back by being scammed out of it. It sounds complicated, but it's actually quite clear.

People who live by their wits often stand out for the solutions they come up with. The reason why these solutions often point to illegal ways is the ambition to make money the easy way. Probably the desire to make money the easy way is an impulse that triggers 'intelligence'.


The intelligence that is constantly poked for similar reasons can produce dozens of solutions even by trial and error. We can come up with similar solutions like most people, but ours will be somehow moving away from the legal. I can't say for all of them, but this is the case for most of them.

It can be argued according to what illegality is. It can be evaluated according to the law, according to morality, according to rules, according to the judgment of conscience or according to religious knowledge. When it doesn't fit into any of these, the 'according to you - according to me' thesis may arise or be deliberately created.

One of the tricks of the con is to convince people that you are someone you are not. Although it is not enough on its own, convincing that you are someone you are not and then pretending to be someone you are not is very effective on the other parties. When your own and the other party's emotions are added to it, there are no doors that cannot be unlocked.


If I were to give an example, I think it would be enough to say 'love'. In a case where the goal is money, the use of love (humanity's most primary emotional accumulation) is an indescribably despicable act, but we can see that it is also a necessary act. When love is the most important weapon that makes people stupid, why shouldn't it be used in the service of fraudsters?

I've seen movies where plays within plays are staged and seem quite complex during the viewing. The movie Sharper, made in 2023, seemed to be one of those complex productions where various plays are staged at the beginning, but in the following scenes, it separated itself from the complex productions and remained among the normal crime productions. It got far away from what I would call complex and turned into an attempt to defraud the defrauded, just like at the beginning.


The effort, time, etc. that goes into getting something of your own back is likely to make the 'that thing' (whatever it is) more valuable once it is taken back.

Before I was scammed I had 100 thousand dollars. After being scammed, I have 'zero dollars' left. After defrauding the defrauders, I have $100,000 again. Even if it looks like I'm back where I started, 'seeing zero' for a while makes the $100,000 where I started more valuable.

It was more remarkable to lose it and become a nobody than to be the owner of billions of dollars, going back to where they started in reverse. For this reason, the acting of Julianne Moore as Madeline and Sebastian Stan as Max was more successful than the others.


My biggest disappointment was that these two characters wasted their success (in convincing each other from the beginning to the end that you are someone you are not) by conning each other. Perhaps they staged a break that could have made the movie more successful than successful.

I recommend the movie for those looking for two hours of entertainment. Overall the movie is quite successful, it could have been more successful, if it wasn't for the small details that stood out!

Movie trailer;

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  ·  last year  ·  

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