QOTD Inspired by video ||| Hive special appearances

in blurtmob •  2 years ago 

QOTD: What message would you give to the future generations?

Special appearance by Mr. Mark on Hive

Something interesting today.


Mr. Mark has made a useful tool that could be implemented here on blurt. Of course credit will be given where credit is do. I see no issue with him apart from some micro adjustments to help him be a better human being. God knows I do too.

In no way should we be comfortable with who are currently when we have room and time to improve. This my opinion. So hopefully with time, and changes happen, we can all start to see eye toneye again.

What else is the point of having these social interactions if not to share ideas, beliefs, opinions, frustrations, etc?

Currency rewards are fine but it is not everything.

We have to force ourselves to make something happen to us that will turn a bad habit into a good one. I do not mean go get yourself in a pile of trouble, although that can happen, but some experience has to happen to facilitate change. Once will turns to action, cause and effect materializes into the result of which you were working towards. Whatever that may be.

I see no point in continuing this along. I wish him the best in blurt. Hope he learns new perspectives.

If possible.

Don't take the screenshot out of context, go read the entire thread of comments. Point out how rude I was, something.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I voted for this part of your text:

Point out how rude I was, something.

I think it is generally unwise to talk ABOUT other people instead of WITH them. It is not a good idea to see your own user name plus a quote somewhere. It creates the impression from the outset that someone is focusing too much on you, and regardless of whether the intention behind it may be well-meaning, it comes across in principle as encroaching. You could also move on to the actual thread without naming names, or focus on the topic itself rather than the person. Giving a link is less problematic than giving a name.

It may be that people are convinced that blame and shame are very effective measures to correct someone's behaviour or expression. On the surface, they are, but I would suggest that something is shifting and becoming a deeper problem, because really not a single person in the world seems to appreciate being shamed and blamed, not even named, in front of others (without being there themselves). Not even when there seems to be "undoubted" guilt. Since the person whose name you mention here has already appeared many times somewhere, the likelihood of a positive reaction from his side is rather low to non-existent. At least that is my view.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think it is generally unwise to talk ABOUT other people instead of WITH them.

Yes... it backfires. I am thick headed sometimes though. But your right.

Shaming, from my perspective, only works on those who have a moral compass when they do something wrong. It is part of learning. But you never know till you try
...and... every person is different, so shaming is not always the best method.
I think Marky can be talked with even if he hates the opposition. That os the point of being social, to bridge the gap between differences. I aimed at that. And will do so again, whether it is be him or with my audience and using others publicly made actions and behaviors as examples, including my own. Im usually the first in line to make an example out of me.

You could also move on to the actual thread without naming names, or focus on the topic itself rather than the person. Giving a link is less problematic than giving a name.

Ouch, yes you are speaking true. Sometimes it is not about me or him or my and his opinions but the underlining issues that need to be addressed. I was trying to get that in with Mark but to no success. We all have our ways of seeing the real world so I am not going to force it into him. That would be like forcing him to go to church, what kid would want that?

really not a single person in the world seems to appreciate being shamed and blamed, not even named, in front of others (without being there themselves).

Nope, but it is part of the learning process, it can not be eliminated. Regardless there will always be shaming to certain degrees. If we do not shame theivery and also when it happens because were worried about "muh cun|try|mens feelings" We would have more libtards roaming America... oh wait... no we have that now. Now we have grammar nazis going even further to want us to identity pronouns or else. I say or else because that is what it will head to, fascism of the worst kind.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hey, thank you for responding so relaxed.

Nope, but it is part of the learning process, it can not be eliminated.

A good realization, yes.

The very effort to "eliminate" these things is futile in my eyes. They will go on. I think what would be enjoyable are unusual questions if one wants to engage in a somewhat relaxed manner. Irritating in a positive way, less rhetoric questions.
I'd say that the use of shame and blame speaks more about the person using it instead of the person who is spoken about. HaHa! :D

For my part, being shamed is something I did encounter more often as a kid than in adult years. When it happened, it frustrated or angered me. Now, dealing with my frustration can teach me a whole lot and to take it sportingly the next time it happens.
... The mockery as a reaction of being mocked I don't perceive as helping the situation. But then, I might be wrong and all the free speeches in the digital world are just a huge babble machine - an expression of people wanting to learn how to be sportive and relaxed in receiving insults the long run. LOL :D

... It's maybe for missing some real time sparring partners in the intimate spaces. Don't know. For me, it works better in real life with people in front of me. Though I had some pretty good conversations on the blockchains. The thing is, I cannot invite them for coffee or go celebrating together, and of course no one would show up to my funeral. HaHa!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'd say that the use of shame and blame speaks more about the person using it instead of the person who is spoken about.

What would that be I wonder?

of course no one would show up to my funeral

If you descend alone into the volcanoe, you wont be alone at the bottom. Pick up what you can and ascend. Drop what is too heavy.

According to Samuel A.W., the body, the ethirical body and the personality are what must die.
