RE: BlurtMOB Rebranded

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BlurtMOB Rebranded

in blurtmob •  2 years ago 

I feel this is a good move. There were many who attended the now defunct pub that are from economically depressed areas. Many who likely received the most rewards for the week there. This will help mitigate some of the loss.

I've noticed among some of these members a feeling of expectation from those of us with more. I don't think they understand how time consuming this can be once one begins following many people and has built out a growing community. Between the time sink and the limitations even a larger account has to vote there is a finite amount of others one can interact with.

Coupled with misunderstandings due to translation handicaps, and for lack of a better word producing a high quantity of boring posts many newcomers find gaining traction slow going. You mention some of this above.

I think some of the more boring posts are because many view a blog in the traditional sense, and approach it with a micro blog mindset where a specific problem is identified and solutions rendered. This approach still works a little for something like Google search, but is a recipe for failure under a more social blog as we have here at Blurt. Those of us here are the audience, and the draw is an interacting of our hearts and minds, not blind recitation of boring facts aimed at problems that at times aren't even held by one single person who has an account even. Google finds visitors from billions using their search. So they are able to funnel say 30000 visitors out of billions of searches taking place through them. Odds are here not one is searching for whatever the topic is.

I would also urge those who can to try to get some Blurt as the prices spike downward, or at least power up what they have and not sell into the depressed prices creating even more downward pressure.

I know some depend on Blurt for base necessities, but the rewards for struggling through right now and doing without offers so much more than what cashing out right now does. It grows everything, ones stake growth to offset vest inflation to higher voting power that in turn brings higher rewards from curation.

It's key to growing an account however by focusing more on connecting than posting. There is little value in posting several times daily and getting few votes if any. All it does is lower what one can expect in my opinion. I have no time nor desire to spend half my votes on one person posting multiple times daily every day of the week. Better to post at most daily, or even every few days. I tend to post about once per week and spend most of my time curating and commenting.

I built up a wonderful community once at Steem and again here at Blurt by focusing on the connections through comments, and everything else fell into place. But the comments need to be genuine. Don't comment on posts one finds boring just because there is a large wallet involved. That also is a recipe for disaster as one comes across often as looking both ignorant and insincere.

I've discovered some I enjoy as part of my community through interactions I've had in a comment section of someone else. Despite finding much that is posted here boring or not aligned with my interests, it was still fairly quick to grow a community tailored to myself here. The key once again is owning the burden is on oneself to find and make those connections, and be sincere when making them.

I wrote all of that for those who might be drawn here who will be excited by this news. Because despite the great news for those building accounts, even good upvotes from the BlurtMob will not ensure one success here. It will be an aid to accelerating those who are doing the right actions here. If one relies only on large upvotes from one or two accounts, and is lax in building connections if and when those large accounts go away one will be left with not much more than before those accounts began curating.

Votes are gifts - try to remember that and life will be more serene.

So much this. As well as

This takes time and is tedious

Many of us here who have been blessed do enjoy gifting, can see this is what makes this system so beautiful. But it is time consuming (I spend way more time than I should be here) and there is a lot of sifting to do, even from those we consider part of our community. Even others we are drawn to have varied interests and might not always post things that interest us.

A shout out to you BlurtMob, as I know you also have your personal account and interest here as well. This is a huge undertaking and I hope that those who may confront you from a position of entitlement don't wear you down to much from those who are grateful for this immense time sink you have obligated yourself to.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The entitled get one chance at understanding - then I make them disappear through the magic-mute feature.

I see professional beggars almost every day - I am not one of their customers.